What is MS?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic illness that randomly attacks your nervous system, wearing away the control you have over your body. There is no cure. Symptoms may range from numbness to paralysis and blindness.

MS is a devastating disease because it is so unpredictable. That is one of the major psychologic burdens we must bear--the total uncertainty of our future. The progress, severity and specific symptoms of the disease cannot be foreseen. You never know when attacks will occur, how long they will last, or how severe they will be. Our course will take its own manner of progression but we need to remain hopeful. Despite all this, many people who have MS manage to live busy, interesting, productive and happy lives.

Most people are diagnosed with MS between the ages of 20 and 40, but the unpredictable physical and emotional effects can last forever.

Elevation of body temperature by as little as 0.5 degrees C will noticeably reduce neurologic function in some patients.This is the result of slowed axonal conduction induced by heating, and the alternations disappear within hours of regaining normal body temperature Reduction in visual acuity,incoordination or weakness and sensory or bladder dysfunction can be affected.

With a chronic illness, the scope has to expand to include your psychological well-being, your relationships and support system, as well as the quality of activities that make up the rest of your life. Each area is important, they are interactive and each one needs attention.

On a more personal note, I was diagnosed in August 1989 when I was almost 36 years old. I worked at a bank, and my first symptoms was failing eyesight. I could not see the amounts on the checks. They did tests here at our hospital but ended sending me to a neurogolist in Nashville. This was one of the most scariest times in my life. Believing you might have a brain tumor or had suffered a stroke. I was put through 3 days of continuous tests and sent back home knowing nothing.

Four days and nights later, the Doctor called and confirmed MS. My symptoms at that time, mostly disappeared within 4 months and I was pretty much back to my old self. Everything was on the right side of my body(I am right handed) which was difficult for a time.

Life continued on. I started on Betesaron when it was approved but little by little, I kept getting a little bit worse but I had always said going into this, that I would not let this MS get me down. I had a bad attack in February of 1997 which caused me to completely have to give up my job. That was a most depressing time. I have worked since I was a Jr. in high school and I felt so helpless and useless. I also lost my insurance so had to go off Betasaron since we couldn't afford the $989.40 it cost per month. My great supporting family and a select group of friends helped me through that terrible depression.

I still miss work, but really enjoy being at home too. I tire very easily and the right side of my body is mostly "just there". I get around with a wheeled walker and I have a motorized scooter for use outside.

Of course, I would much rather not have MS but I have accepted it and I do make the most of the time I have left in this life.

March 1999

We had a bad ice storm and we were without electricity for 5 days. Don got the kerosene heater out & we cooked on a Coleman stove BUT it was bad for me. I got sick with a chest cold and congestion and it got me down again. I had to have steroid IV treatments for 5 days every 12 hours and then went through 2 weeks of physical and occuptional therpy to get myself back to "normal". I am still weak but getting stronger each day.

September 1999-QUESTION for everyone---What common human activity relaxes tense muscles,reduces blood pressure and heart rate; exercises the muscles of the face,diaphragm and abdomen;boosts the immune system;and causes the body to release pain-fighting hormones?

The answer:laughter.

Laughter also helps you get some emotional distance from a distressing situation and see humor in it.

June 2, 2000

I started on Avonex in February 2000. Avonex is Biogen's brand name for interferon beta-1a. Interferons are proteins produced by the body which fight viral infections and regulate the immune system. It's not known exactly how Avonex works in multiple sclerosis, but it is thought to regulate the body's immune response against myelin, the fatty insulation surrounding nerve fibers. The goal of Avonex therapy is to slow the natural progression of disability that occurs in relapsing MS. It is supposed to reduce exacerbations and slow the permanent disability caused by MS. Avonex is an injectible drug. It comes as a powder-you have to add sterile water to it and draw it up in a syringe. I give myself a shot each Friday and I have had no reactions to the drug.

Celebs with MS

Montel Williams--Talk Show Host
Annette Funicello--Actress,Singer and Dancer
Richard Pryor--Comedian
David Lander--Actor(Lavern & Shirley)
Alan Osmond--Musician & Author
Clay Walker--Country Music Singer
Stan Belinda--Cincinati Reds Relief Pitcher
Lola Falana--Actress & Singer
Donna Fargo--Country Music Singer
Betty Cuthbert-1956,1960, 1964 Australian Winner of Four Olympic Gold Medals
Joseph Hartzler--Chief prosecutor in Oklahoma bombing case
Jimmy Heuga--Olympic Skier
Lena Horne--Actress & Singer
David Humm--NFL Quarterback for Oakland Raiders
Barbara Jordan--Congresswoman and Civil Rights Activist
Kelly Sutton--Racing Driver
Victoria Williams--Singer


  • There are a third of Americans with MS.
  • The typical ages of diagnosis is between 20 and 40 years.
  • Every week, more than 200 people are diagnosed with MS. That's more than one person EVERY HOUR.
  • Seventy-three percent of those diagnosed with MS are women.
  • MS is a devastating, unpredictable disease.
  • MS research has never been more hopeful than it is today.
  • The NMSS invests over $20million annually to fuel the efforts of more than 220 researchers throughout the US and abroad.
  • Across the country, the National MS Society has over a million volunteers to carry out its mission to end the devasting effects of MS.
  • This info was in my MS Connection I receive quarterly.

    January 16, 2001
    I just completed 5 days of steroid IV treatments and have started on oral steroids for 2 weeks. My husband had a sore throat for 3 days over New Year's and I apparently picked up the germ only it got to me in the form of bronchitis. My neuro said it was because MS patients have such a low immune system and it takes us longer to get over it. My Dr wanted to start me on the IV steroid before I had a full fledged attack. I have regained back the strength in my leg and arm and am functioning "normal" again. SMILE

    July 28, 2001
    Just an update, I have been feeling great this summer. We moved into our new house in Feb & it is so much easier on me. We built this house handicap accessible & the difference is unbelievable. I wanted to urge everyone that even though there is no cure for MS to date, fight the day-to-day battles you can win. Identify the ways in which your symptoms interfere with your daily activities and focus your energies on finding new strategies & solutions to achieve those goals. Use the many types of adaptive devices and tools that will help you to conserve energy,maximize your safety and comfort, and get the job done. We can't win the war against MS but we do have the option of not giving it more space than it absolutely needs. Be flexible & creative. I have found it much easier to deal with.

    November 24, 2002
    Wow, where does the time go? I have had another good year MS wise. I think a whole lot has to do with some changes I made in my lifestyle. I have dramatically changed my eating habits & added a walking program to my daily life. I started out small with my walks but have increased to 15 min in the mornings & 15 min in the afternoons. It is just unbelievable how much better I can get around & my energy level has improved alot too. I have lost 55 lbs & my Dr is super pleased. My husband & a friend started their own business & I have volunteered my services free of charge to help with whatever I can. This has also given my mind something to do & makes me feel more appreciated. I plan to continue with my healthy eating plan & walking program & I know I will continue to grow stronger in 2003.

    I saw this in my Living with MS magazine & thought I would post some of what she said here. I can realte to all of it. The article was by Linda Irwin who lives in Davison, MI.

    With MS, I Have Learned

  • to be grateful for good days
  • that I can't safely sneeze while standing
  • to focus on my abilities
  • that I'm not disabled, I just do things differently than most other people
  • that borrowing trouble merely means I'll have to pay interest on it later.
  • to take a tablet or two of humor with my morning vitamins.
  • that there are more beautiful sunsets than ordinary ones.
  • that I can't always reach the roses to stop & smell them, but I can enjoy their beauty.
  • that my MS is difficult enough for me to understand, let alone for someone else.
  • that seeing the world from a wheelchair beats being too tired to enjoy it.
  • to adjust,readjust,arrange,rearrange,compromise,change,switch to Plan B,modify,and adapt while smiling.
  • that a kind word,telephone call,card or note can keep me going for weeks.
  • that I learn more when I listen than when I talk.
  • that positive thinking is powerful and reality checks are necessary.
  • that I'm the creator of the quality of my life.
  • that there are people who, without even knowing it, make this world a little brighter and a little nicer to be in; I'm so grateful for those who light up my life.
  • that "oops" is a verb.

    February 1, 2004

    I had no relapses in 2003. I continue to take Avonex & mega doses of vitamins. I really feel this helps to fight off the colds as I didn't have one the whole year. I am continuing with my healthy eating & I purchased a stationery bike in August & have been faithfully riding that 3+ times a week. I am still driving and still use my wheeled walker but I feel good. I may be slow in getting around but at least I am still getting there. Don't give up or into your MS. Fight it every day. Change your attitude. Remember to laugh alot!! May 2004 bring you peace within yourself.

    October 22, 2005

    Again, I had no relapses in 2004. I get my flu shot and continue with my Avonex and vitamins. I have cut out all refined grains and read the labels for that first ingredient to be whole wheat, I have started drinking soy milk (vanilla), and eat mega fruits and vegetables. I am still driving, helping Don at his office a few hours each day which gets me out of the house and exercises my brain. I even flew to Tampa, FL Aug '05 by MYSELF for 6 days and had a blast. Just continue to fight this and go forward. Learning to live with MS over the long haul is a slow process. It takes time to understand your MS and discover what will help you live with it year after year. Don't give into it and make the most of what you can do. You might surprise yourself like I did and take a trip yourself.

    August 12, 2007

    I'm sitting here at the computer with a fracture boot on my foot. Yes, I fell while trying to exercise on July 2nd and broke my ankle. I have been in a wheelchair until 2 days ago when the Dr told me I could start using my walker again but put no weight on my foot. Duh--ever tried to walk on one foot? I have continued to feel good and have had no relapses. I still take my Avonex shot once a week and continue my vitamins. I do need to lose some weight as I have gained back some of what I lost due to stress eating. I went on a cruise--my first--in March with 9 other family members. It was wonderful. We went to Belize, Cozomel, Grand Caymens and Costa Maya leaving on a Sunday and returning on a Sunday. We did have to drive to Tampa, FL but it was well worth the long drive. One of the best part was getting to spend time with my sisters, nephews and niece who I am never around much except for holidays. I go back to the Dr on Sept 4th and I'm hoping I will be healed. This sure has been a bum summer for sure!!
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