Welcome to our family's homepage! Glad you stopped by! We're the Florence's and this is our very first (I think!) family photo with all 4 of us!! (Sorry about the poor scan job!) Andrew is the husband & daddy, Trixie is the wife & mommy, and Tyler (age 4) and Alyssa (age 2 weeks in this photo) are our sweet babies! Aren't they cute?!?!?! |
This is our son, Tyler! Isn't he handsome??? He took quite awhile to concieve, but when he decided to finally arrive (I thought he'd never come!!) he was really quick and was born in 3 1/2 hours flat---that's first pain to last! Not too bad for a first baby huh???? He was 7 lbs 9 oz and very alert from the very first moment!! In fact, he came out with his eyes open!! Nothing like looking down to see this little head sticking out of you and realizing it's LOOKING at you!!! Now he's 4 years old and is quite the typical little boy!! He likes anything that has wheels, tracks, or wings!!! He goes to preschool 3 mornings a week where he has a lot of fun. His teachers & the other kids are all great! Besides playing cars & going to preschool, he likes playing with his new sister, which includes sometimes tormenting her to tears!!! To see more pictures of Tyler, click here! To read his birth story, you can click here. |
This is our sweet princess, Alyssa. I really can't imagine life without her. As much fun as it was to have a son, having a little girl is a dream come true!! I'm having so much fun dressing her in hairbands & pink frills!!! She was quick to concieve, but she was also the one to put me on bed rest starting at 29 weeks because she wanted out so bad!!! But they managed to stop the premature labor (a few times!) and she stayed put until 37 weeks! Then when she came, she was even quicker than her brother!! 1 1/2 hours!!! 3 pushes and she was out!!! She weighed 6 lbs 6 1/2 oz at birth and was perfect! To read her birth story, you can click here.This is Alyssas 12 month picture! She is now 15 months old, walking (since 10 months!), has 8 teeth, and can say "Mama," "Daddy", "Tyler", "up," "more," "Hi" and "bye-bye," (just to name a few!) and best of all--I LOVE YOU!!!!! To see more pictures of Alyssa, click here! |