All about Kendra

Kendra was born November 5, 1990, weighing 3 lbs., 10 oz., and measured
fifteen inches long. She was diagnosed with CdLS at three months old.
Kendra has had several operations:
At 15 months old to correct gastroesophageal reflux, hieatal hernia, malrotation of the bowel and an appendectomy (her appendix was on the wrong side).
At 19 months to correct kidney reflux.
At 3 yrs. old to repair cleft palate.
At 4 yrs. old to remove an upholstry staple that Kendra had swallowed.

She has also had tubes in her ears several times.Kendra started walking at 3 years old. Now she pretty much just runs everywhere!!! As of now she has no speech abilities but knows three signs," eat ", " drink " and "more". She attends school 5 days a week in a class for multipally handicaped children. There she recieves speech, physical and occupational therapies. Our biggest problem with Kendra now is that she puts everything in her mouth and will swallow small objects if not quickly retrieved - which can be nearly impossible as she refuses to open her mouth. This has resulted in surgery and several x - rays. Kendra requires constant supervision to ensure her saftey. Despite her problems Kendra is a very LOVEABLE little girl who loves music, food, and life in general.