Welcome to our Guestbook!
Skip Hahn - 08/06/00 03:03:49 My URL:/pentagon/1730 My Email:duke@austin.rr.com How did you find us?: Web Ring Visit |
Comments: Just stopping by to visit or re-visit all old friends. You have done an outstanding job on your page keep up the good work. Lets all pray that this will be the year that we bring all of our missing POW/MIA back home. Looking forward to your visit or re-visit to my home page, and remember the coffee is always hot so stop by and have a cup. Also please visit our VFW Post 3377 Home Page that I maintain. |
Skip - 06/27/00 16:01:18 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/1730 My Email:duke@austin.rr.com How did you find us?: Web Ring |
Comments: Just stopping by to visit or re-visit all old friends . You have done an outstanding job on your page keep up the good work. Lets all pray that this will be the year that we bring all of our missing POW/MIA back home. Looking forward to your visit or e-visit to my home page, and remember the coffee is always hot so stop by and have a cup. Also please visit our VFW Post 3377 Home Page that I maintain. |
Leta (Ladytex52) - 05/22/00 02:16:15 My URL:http://inyourhonor.homestead.com/index.html My Email:ladytex52@hotmail.com How did you find us?: Web Ring |
Comments: |
Martha - 05/10/00 02:17:47 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/mlw My Email:PreciousWings7@aol.com How did you find us?: retire.net |
Comments: Beautiful pictures. I enjoyed all the animals so much. Keep up the good work. I'd like to come back and visit sometime. |
christopher robin - 04/25/00 16:32:45 |
Comments: |
Darin - 03/30/00 00:01:50 My Email:darinelkhunter@aol.com How did you find us?: Your email |
Comments: |
Ran - 12/16/99 20:00:24 My Email:BearhuntnU@aol.com How did you find us?: slingo |
Comments: Great website. Makes me a bit homesick for my homestate..... Thanks for sharing! |
Charmaine - 11/23/99 08:36:48 My URL:/BourbonStreet/6750/index8.htm My Email:--------------- |
Pam - 11/23/99 04:51:48 My URL:/Heartland/Grove/8536/ My Email:pjhowe@earthlink.net How did you find us?: You signed my guest book with such nice comments... =-) |
Comments: Hi neighbors! Were you aware, when you signed my guest book, that you only live 15 miles away from me??? I was really thrilled when I visited your web site just now, and realized that! I enjoyed my visit so very much! Keep up the great work!!! ![]()
Pat & Moe - 11/19/99 18:22:03 My URL:http://members.aol.com/moe1pat2/page/index.htm My Email:moe1pat2@aol.com How did you find us?: Guestbook |
Comments: Hi! We enjoyed the visit. You have a good looking Page. Keep up the good work. Have a great day! Come visit us at Pat & Moe's Place. It was designed to allow our family in SC to stay in touch with my sister, her six children and their families in New Engl nd. ![]() Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. Franklin P. Jones |
MEOR JAY - 11/09/99 13:36:14 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/mjdin My Email:mjdin@xoommail.com |
Lester Zeller - 08/25/99 02:36:14 My Email:lzeller@rtcol.com How did you find us?: E-mail Pen Pals |
Comments: Very nice web page. Will check it out more later. |
Rhonda R. Merritt - 06/24/99 03:07:28 My Email:Rhondaloan@aol.com How did you find us?: You gave me the address. |
Comments: This is a great website. I'm going to have my friends check it out. I like the music playing as soon as it opens. Excellent job!!! |
Rhiannon - 06/23/99 05:38:28 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Fountain/5721/ My Email:rhiannonway@connect.ab.ca How did you find us?: Webring |
Comments: You have such a beautiful page...Idaho is so beautiful and your site shows that...I'm really glad I came by... |
MARTIN DIMUZIO - 03/25/99 18:26:05 My Email:WABBITT101@HOYMAIL.COM How did you find us?: FROM MAXIMUS |
Comments: |
Annie - 03/21/99 14:51:53 My Email:Annie2319@aol.com How did you find us?: Slingo game lol |
Comments: It's great to talk with the friendly people of Idaho. |
ladymurph6 - 03/15/99 17:28:40 My Email:@aol.com How did you find us?: talker to id bear |
Comments: |
Jamie - 03/12/99 01:35:26 My Email:WYJamie |
Comments: Very nice!! |
Sarah - 03/11/99 01:46:53 My Email:sarahn@nidlink.com How did you find us?: talking to Robert |
Comments: Hi Robert & Sandy- I really like your site. I will keep it bookmarked so I can check out your progress. -Sarah :) |
Rick L. - 03/08/99 23:08:19 My Email:galrown@aol.com How did you find us?: AOL |
Comments: Great page bob. Nice to see so much of the great state of Idaho in there!! Keep it up |
Debi - 03/02/99 20:44:32 My Email:PamprdGrl@aol.com How did you find us?: ID BEAR 54 |
Comments: Very nice web site. I just moved here and I found it very interesting. Thanks! |
Debra Rode - 02/26/99 21:56:27 My Email:ConnectedNW@Nidlink.com |
Comments: Hello Robert and Sandie~ Great web page! Thanks for inviting me out to review it. I'll check it often and see the changes as they come along. Hope you are enjoying the sunshine today and have a great weekend. Take care - Debra |
lil1tami - 02/24/99 03:48:34 My Email:lil1tami@aol.com How did you find us?: talking to Bob |
Comments: Nice Web Page Bob and Sandie |
mackenzie - 02/23/99 02:46:51 |
Comments: |
arlene burdick - 02/21/99 00:17:40 My Email:arlena820@aol.com How did you find us?: uncle bob |
Comments: still checking it out |
Sandi - 02/15/99 15:58:11 My URL:http://primenet.com/~snutty My Email:snutty@primenet.com How did you find us?: serfing |
Comments: Hi, You have a great homepage. I live in Payette, ID and enjoyed looking at your links.. GREAT Work. |
Angel Twin - 02/10/99 02:17:04 My URL:/Wellesley/6216/welcome.html My Email:Twinner@prodigy.net How did you find us?: Another Guestbook |
Comments: What a breath taking background. I enjoyed my visit. Come by and see me. if I'm not there just go on in and make yourself comfortable, I love company! Sign my guestbook to let me know you were there. Angel Twin |
cheryl - 01/25/99 03:58:49 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/7381/ My Email:crazilyinsane@hotmail.com How did you find us?: guestbook |
Comments: great site you have here.. idaho is a wonderful state.. i love the mountains.. thanks for visiting my site.. keep up the good work? |
Jane Michael - 01/19/99 22:30:28 My Email:culasgirl@webtv.net How did you find us?: bob |
Comments: good page. You must be good at building pages. I just do not have the patience. It is so interactive |
Kathie J - 01/10/99 20:23:48 My Email:tiger@cet.com How did you find us?: My Good Friend |
Comments: Lovely site ,wish their were more like this one! Nice to visit a site with no smut. |
Hubert Graham - 01/08/99 01:15:57 My Email:hegraham@hotmail.com How did you find us?: Your E-mail |
Comments: |
Kakuchona - 12/30/98 09:08:10 My Email:pipefish@netvigator.com How did you find us?: IM Bear |
Comments: Great website. Colour pleasing. Animation cute. music befits mood. Simply great. |
Susy - 12/26/98 06:19:05 My URL:http://www.wheelchairs.com How did you find us?: e-mail |
Comments: Hi Bob and Sandi. Cute site. Susy |
Paul Randall - 12/24/98 16:19:46 My Email:pop054@att.net How did you find us?: IM from Bob |
Comments: Great looking site. Love the layout. Very nice job Bob. |
Liz - 12/24/98 02:35:42 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/Mall/3337/ My Email:scntamentl@aol.com How did you find us?: Hell, I made you! |
Comments: Sandie & Bob, May you enjoy this website and not tire of keeping it updated. My best wishes for you both in the coming year. |
- 12/24/98 02:30:25 |
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