Nacogdoches, Texas
Saturday Night 15th  December 1838

Affectionate Mother,

    As Mr. Williams is to start to Alabama in the morning I take my pen to drop you a few lines.  As it has been sometime since I wrote you owing to my absence from town and the lack of an opportunity, I was here only a few days before I was called off on business of my profession and gone until a day or so since, and expect to start again Monday morning if nothing happens more than I know of at present as there is much need of me in my district for there is much work wanting done and no one to do it but my partner who is there now and I expect looking for me constantly, though I have a good chance to make money here yet my promise is out to you which I am anxious to fill and will if life lasts.  There is a great deal more hardship to endure here than there and not only that much danger to encounter, but we need never expect to make anything as past and ease in Zion,but at the same time I don't think I will risk much as I am anxious to return to Alabama at least by the 10th or 15th of February that is I aim to start by that time.

    Money is very scarce in this country at the present and no hopes of it being plentyer soon and the curency of this country is very bad indeed and no prospect of its being better soon.  Aunt Nancy is quite unwell and has a very severe pain in one of her eyes; all the rest of the connexion is in good health as far as I know and I believe I have seen all.  They are all living in this place but Cousin Vincent and Betsey.  The old woman says she does wish she was back again at least as far as Alabama, if not all the way to good old Habbersham for she is tired of Texas, but I thinkshe takes things much harder than she need to as you know she always does.  I have not seen Metter for more than two weeks.  He has been here but I was absent an when I got here he was gone.  I found my old mistress here and just as good a woman as she was when I left here and about the same, I have not sold Jim yet have not tried as I don't expect to sell him before I return to Louisiana where I think I can get the worth of him which is more than I can do at present.  Nothing demands money here like my work and I am anxious to do some of that so I may clear expenses on this trip.  John L. Carithers has moved to the city of Houston and I have not had the pleasure of seeing him, but I saw Judge Brown yesterday, but was in his company only a few minutes as he was on his horse to leave town when I saw him, but he lives in about 20 miles of this place and I had to promise to call on him but I don't know when I will have the chance as I am very busy and will be until I start home, I have not seen Henderosn since I got here, but have learned that he has a chill every now and then and wants to see me very much.  I would write more, but my paper has given out or nearly so, so I must quit.  I am your affectionate son,


Copy from Script letter folded into a self envelope and sealed with wax addressed as follows:

Mrs. Jane (or James) Hamilton
Elyton, Alabama