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I'm Lisa, author of this web page and single mother to Matt, Mikey and Elijah.
Let me tell you a little bit about my family.
First off, I'm 42 now. No spring chicken, but with more than half a lifetime to go (God willing). I work as a Freelance Contractor, doing office type work for different companies, as well as having several affiliate programs. I've lived in NY, Maryland, Alaska, Texas, Virginia, Oklahoma and Florida. I've traveled through most of the other states at one time or another. I'll always consider myself a "Northern Girl" as I much prefer seasons, snow and mountains to heat, bugs, heat, lizards, heat, snakes, crocodiles, heat and oh, did I mention the heat? Sorry to all you Floridians, but if I had a job waiting anywhere else, I would be out of here in a minute!! I truly dislike Florida!
is my eldest son, Matthew. In this picture, he's holding his son, Gabriel and my
son (Matt's baby brother) Elijah (taken in May of 2001). Gabriel was born a week earlier than Elijah - making Elijah younger than his nephew! (Notice the two babies are holding hands?) This was taken when they were both in their fifth month while Matt, Brea and the baby were visiting from PA.
Matthew is a talented musician and song writer who has his own band and is
working on his second CD. He plays a very soulful mix of folk and rock that I
love listening to. He puts a lot into his music, and even started a
non-profit organization in Pennsylvania where he lives called True Freedom.
It is an organization that provides space for artists, musicians, craftsmen and
others in the arts to come and practice their art and be seen by the
public. They also host weekly lessons in the arts for local teens to get
them off the street and help them to stay out of trouble, besides giving them an
appreciation for the arts. Matthew conceived this idea on his own, lobbied
the town for space, applied for and got the non-profit status, filled out all
the necessary forms, etc. pretty much on his own. He then formed a board
of like minded individuals, collected money and support from the community and
got the whole ball rolling. I am very proud of my son (and thrilled with
my grandson!). My only wish is that I could see them more often. Matthew
is the product of a single family home, as his father and I divorced when he was
just a little over a year old. I think I "done good".
met Mikey. He's really a character. One minute he's a whirling
dirvish, the next minute he's up on my lap hugging me and wanting a quiet story
or just a hug session. He's very intelligent and has a wicked little sense
of humor.
Mikey started Kindergarten August of 2002. I think I was more nervous and anxious than he was! I managed to drop him off his first day without embarrassing him or myself by blubbering on the sidewalk in front of everyone, though!.
Mikey continues to impress and surprise me with his ability to learn new things quickly and to take the next step in learning on his own. From simple counting, he took the next step to simple addition without problem - surprising me one day with his new skills by adding two eggs and two eggs to make four eggs for our breakfast! Amazing!
For the most part - after a rough start - Mikey has adjusted to having his baby brother Elijah around, although there is still some jealousy there because of all the time taking care of Eli takes from me and Mikey's time. It seems like I'm always saying, "I'm sorry, honey, you're going to have to wait until I can.." (fill in the blank - feed/diaper/change/bathe etc) "...the baby" All in all, though, he's taken it pretty well!
This is Elijah at 8 months. See
that little smile? That smile tells me he's up to something. Little Elijah
had it a bit of a rough at first. Born at 35 weeks, he was 6Lbs
11oz and after the first week became very jaundiced. I had to stop
breastfeeding him and go on formula as he started losing weight. Then when
he was just five weeks old, he got RSV, which is a severe respiratory virus.
This has led to him having RAD which is Reactive Airway Disease - some doctors
say it's the precursor for Asthma, others say that there is no reason to assume
that an infant with RAD will develop Asthma later on. Every month, though, he spends less and less time on the nebulizer, which makes me hope and pray that he's growing out
of it.
I call Eli my "bulldozer" because he tends to crawl over or try to walk through whatever is between him and whatever he's trying to get to. He is very single minded, and I hope that determination carries through for him. He's my last child, so I must also confess that he's a bit spoiled when it comes to being held, cuddled and generally catered to. So, sue me.
And that's my little family. Thank you for visiting us, and again, if you want to drop me a line to ask a question, offer a comment or link or just chat, please do so. All serious requests will be answered as soon as I can get to them.
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