Thank You JESUS For Setting My Heart On FIRE For YOU! I LOVE YOU!

I Want To Dedicate This Page To All Those Who Helped Make It Possible!

First of all JESUS! Without Him, I am NOTHING! He saved me from the pits of hell on June 22,

and I am SO thankful for HIM! He is my ROCK!

Thank you to Geocities for providing this space for me in my little corner of God's world on the net! God Bless all of YOU who make it possible for us to have a safe environment to display our imaginations and creativity!

Thank you to all those who have sent me jokes and inspirational stories to add to my pages to encourage, enlighten and brighten everyones day who visits my homepage! God Bless you all!

Thank you CL at Geocities for encouraging me and supporting my work day after day as the page grew and grew! And for nominating it for a "Featured Page" in Geocities! And THANKS for my second award for this page! God Bless YOU!

Next I need to thank Jeff aka Kudzu from the bottom of my heart! He has uploaded files for me and changed sizes and appearances on gifs. He supported and encouraged me and lifted me up on those days when I didn't think I could get through it. He has been a friend in the TRUEST sense of the word! I love you precious brother, you are very dear to my heart! God Bless YOU!

Nicki....YOU have been a WONDERFUL support to me! You have encouraged me and given me strength in "The Word" and made me see that I DO have His wisdom, His knowledge, His guidance and most importantly, His UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! Hallelujah! Thank you also for helping me upload graphics into my pages and teach me html that I could not have done without YOU! God Bless YOU my Big Sister in Christ! You are VERY dear to my heart!

Michelle....Where does one find the words? Thank YOU SO MUCH for my very first award, The Award of Inspirational Excellence! I pray it is not my last! This is for HIM! He who has given me breath, given me hope, given me love and given me a reason to live! Thank You Jesus!

I also wish to thank all of my friends on the internet and in real life. You have been SUCH a blessing to me in SO MANY ways! I can not even desribe the love I have in my heart for you ALL! You have seen me go through both good times and bad and never strayed nor turned your back on me, even during those "moody" moments! :-) May the Lord bless each of YOU so abundantely that your cups runneth over! I love you ALL!

I also want to thank all those that I got graphics, bars, and backgrounds from. They are too numerous to list here.....if you see them, you will know where I got them. Thank You! Without sites like yours, the majority of the internets homepages would be rather plain I am sure! God Bless YOU all!

I want to lend VERY greatful thanks to all of those who visit PumpkinsPatch on a regular basis! You have all become a part of my daily life. You encourage me, lift me UP to Jesus in prayer when I need it, you make me laugh and sometimes make me cry...usually with JOY! God Bless YOU all!

And last but certainly NOT least....I want to thank my children for the patience and understanding they had when I made this a priority instead of them. They understood that I was doing this for the glory of God Almighty and that made it OK with them! You are so MUCH loved by me and YES....I even forgive you for all the damage you did while I was too busy to watch you like a HAWK! LOL! God Bless YOU Chelsea and Ryan and Seth!

© 1997

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