Ryan loves spiders! EWWWW! :-)

Come to Me as a little child...Ryan's Story!

Come to Me as a little child saith the Lord Jesus

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

I had to...I just HAD to write this story to you all! This is a fairly long story so PLEASE bare with me....it is worth in in the end! This is a tale of seeing the Lord through a child's eyes.

This morning was my son Ryan's last day of school. He is six years old. For most of his childhood Ryan has had behavorial problems however, in recent months he is doing considerably well! I was invited to attend a school recital this morning for his last day. It was wonderful! After it was over his teacher told me Ryan had made great improvements these last months which pleased me considerably. We had punch and cookies and Ryan saw someone with balloons. He asked if he could go ask for one. I said honey, their mommy probably bought them for her for graduation and if mommy had the money, she would have gotten some for you too but I didn't. He said he understood which tickled me pink because some children would have gone into a tantrum. Praise God! :-)

After the celebration we went to say good bye to the principal and lo and behold, on his desk was a plain white star helium balloon! Ryan asked if he could have it and I interupted immediately and said no so as not to put Mr. Grant in an uncomfortable situation. Mr. Grant said you sure can have it! Ryan was thrilled! I was thrilled!

We got in the car and headed for the store and Ryan kept talking about how much he loved Jesus and God and singing along with the Christian tape I have of my Pastor Grace. He loves her and her music! He was so adament about continually saying how blessed he is and how much he loves Jesus! I was so happy...filled with the joy...my soul was just gushing with cheer! I know you have felt it and I KNOW you KNOW what I mean!

He carried the balloon into the store with us, not wanting to leave it alone, etc. He was so cute! Telling everyone who would listen where he got it from! He even asked the checkout clerk to ring it through the check out line for him! Awwwwwwwwwwww :-)

We headed for a second store. He found three pennies on the floor of the car. He carried them into the store to spend them. Of course nothing cost three cents and the clerk told him that when we entered the store. So I guess his little head got to thinking and he said here you have one and proceeded to give one to the clerk and another to another clerk. He had one penny left. He turned around and saw a very elderly woman entering the door and ran over to her and said here this is for you! The people stood there amazed! I laughed and said "my son has learned that when he blesses others, God blesses him back ten fold!" They smiled and that was that.

We get into the car to head home and Ryan says Mommy? We have to do something when we get home! I said what honey? He said we have to write something on the balloon for Jesus and God and cut this string and let the balloon go and send it up to heaven for them! Well I about had a wreck right then and there! I said yes Ryan, we WILL do that! We did. We got home and he picked the color green (his favorite) marker and he composed and I wrote! To Jesus (on one side)...please forgive me for all of my sins. Amen....Love, Ryan and To God (on the other side) I love You, I am having a good time, thank You for this wonderful world, Amen....Love, Ryan

We prayed before we let that balloon go and tears welled in my eyes as I watched my innocent child follow it's path to heaven until he could no longer see it. It was about to storm heavily and he was so worried that the rain would weigh the balloon down and Jesus and God would not get it! I assured Ryan repeatedly that NOTHING could stop that balloon from getting to it's destination and I know in my heart that it didn't! Thank You Lord!

And that my friends was my blessing to last a lifetime today! Praise Jesus! Jesus is definately doing some awesome good works here! Thank You LORD!

Blessings and love to you all my family in Christ! Tracy aka McPumpkin

Ryan is a child that needs alot of encouragement. I have continually praised him for what he did.....He put Jesus and God before his own needs and wants which is what we should do! The Lord should ALWAYS come first! Ryan knows this! You may send email or snail mail to Ryan below. Please know that ALL mail will be screened through me first so PLEASE keep it clean for the glory of God! Thank you!


Tracy Miller

PO Box 851
Guntersville, AL 35976
United States

A blessed sister in the Lord and friend from the internet named Rae, was so touched by Ryans story that she asked me for permission to translate her own version based on the true story for her preschool class that she instructs. This is what Rae wrote! Thank You Jesus for blessing these children with this lesson for YOUR glory Father! Amen!

Ryan's Balloon Blessing

Today was Ryan's last day of school for the summer. He was so excited. He felt like singing all the way to school. At school they put on a recital for their parents. Ryan's mommy came to watch.

After the recital Ryan's teacher and mom were talking. "How has Ryan been doing in school?" his mom asked. "Ryan has made wonderful improvements!" said his teacher. That made Ryan feel happy, and more than that, thankful to Jesus for helping him.

While Ryan was eating cookies and drinking punch, he saw a little girl with balloons. "Mommy! Could I have a balloon, too?"he asked. "I am sorry, Ryan. I didn't have the money to buy you balloons," his mom told him. Even though that made Ryan feel kind of sad, he didn't cry, he understood.

"Should we go say goodbye to Mr. Grant?" his mom asked. "Oh, yes!" Ryan replied. He liked Mr. Grant, his principal. He always made Ryan feel special.

When they got in his office, Ryan noticed a big white helium balloon with a blue star by Mr. Grant's desk. Ryan asked Mr. Grant if he could have it and Mr. Grant said "Of course, Ryan!" Ryan felt so wonderful that God had made a way to give him something that he really wanted!

On the way to the store Ryan was so happy. He kept singing songs to Jesus, and thanking God for all the ways God had been good to him. As he was getting out of the car, he found three shiny pennies. He carried them and his balloon all the way in to the store.

He showed his pennies and his balloon to the clerk. The clerk told Ryan, " I am sorry, young man, but there is nothing in this store, that costs three pennies. Perhaps, you could save them and spend them when you have more."

At first Ryan was sad, then he remembered that the Bible says that is more blessed to give than receive. So, he gave one of the pennies to the clerk at the front, one to the other clerk at the register, and one to an elderly lady coming in the door.

What a wonderful day this had been! God had done so many wonderful things for Ryan. And Ryan knew how much God loved him. He wanted to do something good for God, too. So Ryan decided to give Jesus and God his balloon.

When Ryan and his mom got home he asked her to write on the balloon for him. He picked out the green marker (his favorite color), and his mom wrote just what he said.

On the first side to Jesus:

Please forgive me for all of my sins,



And on the other side to God:

I love you. I am having a good time, thank you for this wonderful world.



Then his mom and him went outside and prayed. Ryan cut the string and watched the balloon until he couldn't see it any longer. He was sure it had made it to heaven. Ryan was so happy and so was his mommy.

1. How did Ryan show kindness in this story?
2. How did Ryan show his love for Jesus?
3. How did Jesus help Ryan?
4. Galatians 6:10 says "Therefore as we have opportunity, do good to all..." in what ways did Ryan do this?

God Bless You Rae! I pray Ryans story blesses MANY!

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