Prayer Will MOVE Mountains! Walk In Faith That It IS Finished!

This page is dedicated to the power of prayer and what it can
do in YOUR life and the lives of others! I feel very strongly about prayer unto the Utmost High God Almighty! Anything that you ask in the name of Jesus Christ shall be done for you! Please send me your prayer requests! I feel very strongly that the Lord has lead me to be a prayer warrior for His kingdom and am faithful to answer His calling upon my life. I serve Him with joy and hope that others shall come to know Him as I do! If you believe in faith, as a little child, that this shall be done for you, ask in His name! I will pick up my email several times a day and add you to my evergrowing list of prayer requests. PLEASE....when the Lord answers your prayer, send me a testimony! Let me know if I can place it on a testimonial page so that people can see that the Lord hears, listens and answers prayer! God bless you all and remember....BELIEVE and TRUST! It makes all the difference in the world!

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