YES ORANGE! It's the PUMPKINPATCH for gosh sakes! hehe

This is my family in Christ! My wonderful friends! My closest confidants and prayer partners! My support! My edifiers! My hope when I need it! Thank you ALL! And thank you Jeff for your help with this page! Without you I could not have done it! {{{{{{{{Kudzu}}}}}}}} You are a trusted friend! God bless you! :-)

Well years have passed....Chelsea is now almost 16, Ryan is almost 13 and Seth is now 10. And I am OLD! lol I haven't kept up with my pages due to health interference. I have lost touch with many friends and have lost images on my pages that I am now trying to salvage. To those who think I fell off the face of the earth when I relocated to Alabama, I did not. Life has taken many turns and I just lost touch. I truly apologize! I ask for forgiveness in not taking the responsibility of keeping the Lords Haven up to date and keeping the blessings of friendship that HE gave to me as an utmost priority.

These are my children!

Chelsea, age 9

Ryan, age 6

Seth, age 4

Meet Kudzu!

Meet Dewdrop!

Meet Snowtiger!

Meet SoftSpirit!

Meet on_the_list!

Meet Lake!

Meet Red!

Meet Biffo!

Meet AZsis!

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