From: Marie Anne :) Re: I LOVE YA SIS i dont have one :( I love you sis and you know it :) You have an amazing page with lots to read and you are an inspiration. I admire your kids BIG time sis. May God bless you every day more.
From: Sylphid-Marie Re: YOU! Silly! http://I.wish Oh, my. I think I may cry. You're a wonderful disciple sis. Thank you for everything!!! God loves you and I do, too, McP!! :o) Forever and ever!! And as always, May the Gracious Lord bless you and keep you in all that you chose to do!
From: Patti Praise the Lord one more soul that is no longer lost!!!!.There is so many more out there every one that reads this book pray the Lord will send a lost one your way so you can show them the one and only way. God Bless you all
From: MOM Re: I LOVE YOU your homepage is getting bigger and better,a lot of love and pray.I love you keep up the good work
From: Vicky Re: Web Page I heard about your page from Jeff (Kudzu). I am so glad he sent me your web address! I have truly been blessed by your page! The stuff for parents was GREAT! Soo true! May God Bless You and Yours and Keep up the Good Work! I am sure I will be visiting your page often!
From: Rev. William J. Whatley Re: Jesus Been visiting you page and enjoyed. Please visit us. God bless The Whatleys
From: Pat Re: (Squirt) wonderful site!!!!!! Thank you for sharing it with me! Miss our chats at TalkCity - love you!! Praaaaaaaaaaaise Him!!!!!
From: Vickie Adsitt (Angelheart) I am a friend of LilAngel and her grandfather T.C. Debbie gave your web page address and I decided to check it out!! It is very wonderful to see people that love the Lord with all their hearts like you do!! I am very impressed!! God bless you and continue to do Gods work!! Your a real blessing to me!!
From: Kyle Splattstoesser Re: web page!! great web page. PRAISE the LORD for all He has given us and lets all pull together to help those who need are help!
From: Wendy Lester Re: Wonderful pages! Great pages sis Praise the Lord you have worked very hard them you deserve the awards you recieved.God Bless Belle aka Wendy
From: Larry and Kelly Re: debate vs. personal opinion We were wonder what the line is between debate and expressing you personal opinion? To me this line is very very fine, if you are able to discern the difference at all. Just wondering what that line is in case I visit the pumpkin patch. Of course I wont debate with you at the difference between the two =)
From: KevDon or Kevin and Donna Re: Heaven hi !!! :-) \o/ Heaven hi Mcpumpkin Your prasie report is wonderful!!! Would you please come and sign our guestbook? I am so happy that Jesus is working in your life, it tickles my heart :-) Praise God Jesus Lives!!!
From: peanut Re: your websites Hi sis! wonderful site! I love reading your stories! God bless you and your children. Your web sites are so cool I cant waite to learn how to do all of this!
From: Rango Re: Webpage hey there i love your webpage. God Bless til we chat again Rango
From: Lilian Re: Your wonderful site Great stuff Tracey, as i said in my recent email. God bless you and yours, Keep up the good work. I am enjoying every moment of this. Thankyou so much for all you hard work.
From: Jeff http://Geocities/Heartland/Prairie/9090/ Your are the best Sister in Christ anyone could have!! I love the job you have done on your pages and I know that people are being blessed by this!! I Praise God for you and your hours of hard work!! May the Lord keep you and bless you mightly!! \o/\o/ PRAISE HIS NAME ALWAYS \o/\o/ Kudzu (jeff)
From: Jonathan Anstice (a.k.a Kosh) Re: HI!!!!!!!! Great page!!!!!!!! Cya on IRC !!!! God Bless You!!!!
From: Michelle Bartley Re: Your wonderful website I have been to many Christian websites and I must tell you that you have one of the absolute BEST! Your stories are wonderful, your graphics exquisite, I especially love the one on the entry page with Jesus imposed upon the world... Fantasitc work!!!! I am most impressed!!!!!
From: Jessica Eve Irwin Great page you've got here. God Bless!
From: Frances Re: Your homepage Hi I enjoyed your homepage it's great.I also thought the story of you son really shows how close you are to God, for a young chilld learns by what he see's around him.Praise The Lord just think what a world this would be,if all mothers were like you. Frances
From: ashley i love your page!! it's the best Christian page I've been to! i love the pictures too. God bless you
From: curl (judy) I have just started your web page and I can feel the sprite of the Lord already I have bookmark it also.I will be email you,there is so much I would love to ask you.You are a great witness for the Lord .Praise God for ppl like you that will stand up for our Lord and Master.God Bless you
From: Jim McCall Re: McPumpkin LOVE your web page! LilAngel, being my great friend and sister in Christ, led me to it. One thing: Which one of the ladies in one of the above pictures is Snowtiger? There are two ladies, yet only one is mentioned and we don't know which one is her? The one on the left, or right? Anyway, great Site! God bless you and yours always, Jim. P.S. I sent LilAngel a video of Benny Hinn at the Charlston North Carolina Miracle Healing Crusade of 1993 because I know God heals MS. I have a neighbor living above my apartment who has been healed totally from this disease in 1991. We also went to the Sacramento Crusade in 1994 where I was given a Word of Knowledge from God via Pastor Hinn (20,000 in attendance!)when he pointed in the upper balcony in our direction and said that "diarreha is being healed in the upper balcony!" I was plagued with it for over a year straight and walked away from there TOTALLY HEALED!!! Hallelujah!! I was a bit sceptical about this man's ministry due to what I was hearing from so called "authoriies" of the Word of God,until God showed me that Benny Hinn IS used by Him!! No matter what people say about other ministers or pastors, DON'T BELIEVE IT!! The devil wants nothing more than to have believers mock or accuse wrongly those who God is using. When you think about it, didn't all 12 Apostles, along with our Lord Jesus, also recieve the very same treatment? Now, when I hear how put down a man/woman of God is, I focus my attention on that man/woman and watch how God IS using them!! The more bad I hear, the more I believe God is at work in them, as long as they are not Cultish that is. I also went to see Joyce Meyer in nearby Modesto, CA last week and WOW is this woman anointed!! What a conference! If she EVER gets near your city GO SEE HER!!! Same for Benny Hinn!! I left that Nov. 1994 Crusade in awe!! And it stuck with me for months! By the way, I hope you have heard of these two wonderful people of God! My nick is "kid."
From: Azsis Re: Your Web Page Your Page is fantastic. I really enjoyed it. I miss and Love you. Your sister in Christ
From: Rae (RaDonna Rehkop) Re: wow!! WOW!!! You sure have added a lot!!! Looks great!! Thank you for this beautiful place of inspiration!! God bless you!! Allelujah!!!!!
From: Lil Angel I just had to come back.. i love your web page. It's geourgus!!!!! Keep up yhe good wrk May God Bless Tou, Always
From: Lou Pisco Re: TLMiller Site FANTASTIC JOB...... KEEP GOING....GODSPEED....
From: Dana Re: Serving Christ Ring Hi Sis! I copied your blue bar...hope you don't have some really cool icons and bars :o) Love ya! Please tell the kids hi for me. Will try to write them when I get time.
From: jan cook Re: Love ya, sis!!!!!! God Bless you, sis!! You are such a mighty witness for Him! You KNOW how much you've blessed me. Praise Jesus!
From: Janet aka Faith Re: Joke page I came home after working hard and I had fun with your joke page! I look forward to surfing on the rest of your list of things to see! But a little at a time! You sure have added on since I was last there!
From: Scott Haynes Re: just visiting nic is nu_fan.
From: Lil Angel Re: Your Web Page This is a beautiful web page. Exellent job. You are just a wonderful blessing. I will be at the Pumpkin Patch to meet you. God Bless You!!!! Lil Angel...Debbie
From: Glenn and Kelly Rickert Re: Your website Hello neighbor! Just wandering around the Ranch looking for Jesus sites. There are so many believers proclaiming His name and His love. God bless you and your site!!!!!
From: Corey Bokowski Re: web site visit just visiting.... my nick is on_the_list.
From: virginia hmmm i just realised that the last entry goes on top, and the first ones on bottom. isnt that odd?? that must look odd...well nevermind. Love you...your page rocks the cyber world
From: Virginia Guess what?? I STILL love you!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I just thought I'd mention it... LOVEYOULOVEYOULOVEYOU!!!!
From: Virginia Guess what, Tracy!!!! IIIIII LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEE YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!! always always always - your little one
From: Trisha(Snowtiger) Re: Your wonderful web page I think you have a great web page. You are a dear sister in the Lord and I think you r a wonderful person and your web page shows you dedication.
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