"A Dedication To Andrei"

"June 14, 1974-January 7, 1997"

"Paris, France-Sydney, Australia"

This page and this poem are dedicated to Andrei, my friend, my brother in Christ and my hope. My prayers that he is up in heaven looking down upon me, upon you, helping us to do our work for the Lord. Andrei, I love you with all of my heart and I miss you very much but, I know someday you and I will meet again. You and Tegan and I will sit down and chat and laugh and enjoy the friendship that began that bright and cheerful day here on earth...only this chat will never end! Hallelujah! Thank YOU JESUS! You are my steadfast ROCK!

"A Soul Saved"

I logged on to the intenet, A chat room I was bound. And when I got there on that day, A lost soul I had found.

He introduced himself to me, Quite a friendly guy. From down under, where he lived, Came questions...how and why?

He asked me things of Jesus, And heaven and his fate. I shared with him from in my heart, It was not wise to wait.

His questions all were answered, My heart and soul at peace. I asked him if he knew just how, To God, his heart release.

He said he really was not sure, I said I'll lead a prayer. The man said that would be just fine, And I suddenly was aware.

This man that I had stumbled upon, That bright and cheerful morn. Would be my first soul led to Christ, The devil I would scorn.

The Holy Spirit took my place, And words flowed on the screen. The tears welled from my eyes that day, With joy, a saved soul seen.

The things that I would learn of him, As several months did pass. Was that my new friend who I loved, Was dying, quickly...alas.

My heart yearned for this soul to live, As prayers I sent each day. Oh Lord, please help him overcome, This cancer, hold at bay.

I cannot comprehend this bond, That Jesus set between us. All I do know of this love, Is no one gives it but Jesus.

His body weakened, the cancer won, Andrei now lives with the Lord. My friends I beg you, now I say, Find someone like him, open that door.

For though I miss his notes and chats, And will never hear his voice. My heart, my mind, my soul down deep, Knows I did good, I gave Andrei a choice.

If you should meet a lost soul by chance, And do not know how to ask. Reach out to Jesus, say you need help, He'll honor your prayer and the task.

And then one day you can know too, That you saved a soul for Him. And when the world snaps back at you, Things just won't look so dim.

For one day when the clouds do part, And Jesus comes from above. You'll reach those gates in heaven, And know that voice of love.

You'll see your friend and live forever, In eternity and total bliss. Because that one day down here on earth, That simple question you did not miss.

I love you Andrei, I always will, And one day we will meet. That day shall glorify our Lord, But it could have been bitter sweet.

Thank you Lord for guiding me, For showing me each way, To open up his heart to You, Easily, simply...I say.

Do you know Jesus as your Lord, Is He living in your heart? Please my friend, come to Him, The end is near and we will part.

Some souls will go to Heaven that day, And some will go to hell. I plead with you to make that choice, For what time is left, we cannot tell.

For only God knows in His heart, When wrath befalls this earth. As surely as the skies will fall, Your soul can have rebirth.

So say yes to Jesus this very day, And know your soul is saved. Reach out to Him with one small prayer, All sins and regrets are waived.

Be a child of God as Andrei did, Do not fear one small thing, It's the best decision you can make, Forever your heart will sing!

Tracy Lee Miller September 14, 1997

© 1997 mcpumpkin@geocities.com

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