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Lola's Fellows Program is a free service, very helpful for page-less pals looking for some free space in the web to place their pictures and stories.

Here, we will try to promote the canine culture through the web,  so either if you are a Beagle or not, Lola offers you a mini-site for free. All you have to do is send me one or two of your best pictures (if there is one...) and some funny data about you.

Members will be featured in one entire page, with their own photos, data and any additional comments that they may want to include, as well as a link to their email or URLs. Every page includes a personal counter, for checking how many traffic was driven to each personal page

The first edition of LFP begins pretty soon! Don't miss the chance!  If you decide to participate, after sending you data remember to bookmark this page, so you can check your status regularly

To become a member of LFP, first, you have to type some info about yourself, in order to plan the layout of your page

Next, choose one or two of your best photos (GIF or JPG format, each one no larger than 300 x 300 pix and no bigger than 60K) and submit them to me. You must include your name in the body field, and If you want to, enclose some lines with funny stories about yourself (ie. date and place of birth, outdoor activities, favorite scents...)  At the subject field of the message type "LFP member".


next step: filling the form


view a sample page


Important: Please, do not submit info that may have something to do with any kind of service or business. Personal pages linked to commercial sites must be removed, thanks.



You are the visitor since October 1997
This page was last updated 18 Mar 1998