The Trinity, Statement of Faith
Subject: The Trinity, Statement of Faith
Date: 15 Apr 1997 21:05:53 -0500
From: a.d.amore@freenet.hamilton.on.ca
Newsgroups: soc.religion.christian.bible-study
Here is a statement of Belief on the Trinity according to the Belgic
Confession. I hope it may help to re-focus the discussion.
"Article VIII -- That God is one in Essence, yet nevertheless
distinguished in three Persons.
According to this truth and this Word of God, we believe in one only
God, who is the one single essence, in which are three persons, really,
truly,and eternally distinct, according to their incommunicable
properties;namely, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The
Father is the cause, origin and beginning of all things visible and
invisible; the Son is the word, wisdom, and image of the Father; the
Holy Ghost is the eternal power and might, proceeding from the Father
and the Son. Nevertheless God
is not by this distinction divided into three, since the Holy Scriptures
teach us, that the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, have each
his personality, distinguished by their properties; but in such wise
that these three persons are but one only God. Hence then, it is
evident, that the Father is not the Son, nor the Son the Father, and
likewise the Holy Ghost, but the Son only. The Father hath never been
without his Son, or without his Holy Ghost. For they are all three
co-eternal and co-essential. There
is neither first nor last: for they are all three one, in truth, in
power, in goodness, and in mercy.
Article IX -- The proof of the foregoing article of the Trinity of
persons in one God.
All this we know, as well from the testimonies of holy writ, as from
their operations, and chiefly by those we feel in ourselves. The
testimonies of the Holy Scriptures, that teach us to believe this Holy
Trinity are written in many places of the Old Testament, which are so
necessary to enumerate, as to choose them out with discretion and
judgment. In Genesis, chap. 1:26, 27, God saith: Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness, etc.
So God created man in his own image, male and female created he them.
And Gen. 3:22. Behold the man is become as one of us. From this
saying, let us make man in our image, it appears that there are more
persons than one in the Godhead; and when he saith, God created, he
signifies the unity. It is true he doth not say how many persons there
are, but that, which appears to us somewhat obscure in the Old
Testament, is very plain in the New. For when our Lord was baptized in
Jordan, the voice of the Father was heard, saying, This is my beloved
Son: the Son was seen in the water, and the Holy Ghost appeared in the
shape of a dove. This form is also instituted by
Christ in the baptism of all believers. Baptize all nations, in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. In the
Gospel of Luke, the angel Gabriel thus address Mary, the mother of our
Lord, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest
shall overshadow thee, therefore also that holy child, which shall be
born of thee, shall be called the Son of God: likewise, the grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy
Ghost be with you. And there are three that bear record in heaven, the
Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. In all
which places we are fully taught, that there are three persons in one
only divine essence. And although this doctrine far surpasses all human
understanding, nevertheless,
we now believe it by means of the Word of God, but expect hereafter to
enjoy the perfect knowledge and benefit thereof in Heaven. Moreover, we
must observe the particular offices and operations of these three
persons towards us. The Father is called our Creator, by his power; the
Son is our Savior and Redeemer, by his blood; the Holy Ghost is our
Sanctifier, by his dwelling in our hearts. This doctrine of the Holy
Trinity, hath always been defended and maintained by the true Church,
since the time of the
apostles, to this very day, against the Jews, Mohammedans, and some
false Christians and heretics, as Marcion, Manes, Praxeas, Sabellius,
Samosatenus, Arius, and such like, who have been justly condemned by the
orthodox fathers. Therefore, in this point, we do willingly receive the
three creeds, namely, that of the Apostles, of Nice, and of Athanasius:
likewise that, which, conformable thereunto, is agreed upon by the
ancient fathers.
Article X -- That Jesus Christ is true and eternal God.
We believe that Jesus Christ, according to his divine nature, is the
only begotten Son of God, begotten from eternity, not made nor created
(for then he should be a creature), but co-essential and co-eternal with
the Father, the express image of his person, and the brightness of his
glory, equal unto him in all things. He is the Son of God, not only
from the time that he assumed our nature, but from all eternity, as
these testimonies, when compared together, teach us. Moses saith, that
God created the world; and John saith, that all things were made by that
Word, which he calleth God. And the apostle saith, that God made the
worlds by his Son; likewise, thatGod created all things by Jesus Christ.
Therefore it must needs follow, that he, who is called God, the Word,
the Son, and Jesus Christ, did exist at that time, when all things were
created by him. Therefore the prophet Micah saith, His goings forth
have been from of old, from everlasting. And that apostle: He hath
neither beginning of days, nor end of life. He therefore is that true,
eternal, and almighty God, who we invoke, worship and serve.
Article XI -- That the Holy Ghost is true and eternal God.
We believe and confess also, that the Holy Ghost, from eternity,
proceeds from the Father and Son; and therefore neither is made,
created, nor begotten, but only proceedeth from both; who in order is
the third person of the Holy Trinity; of one and the same essence,
majesty and glory with the Father, and the Son: and therefore, is the
true and eternal God, as the Holy Scriptures teach us.
fecisti nos ad te et inquietum est cor nostrum donec requiescat in Te

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