Sam's Nip Garden
Welcome to my page! My name is Sam, and I am a 4 year old classic orange tabby with white. I am my human mom's baby, her pride and joy! As you may guess, from the title of this page, I am something of a nip freak! I love nip! I go NUTS FOR NIP!
I came to live with my mom, my brother Socrates, and my two sisters, Persephone and Elektra, when I was 6 weeks old. I was adopted from the Austin Humane Society. At first, I was kind of scared, but Socrates and I became really good buds after a while. Elektra doesn't pay me much mind, and Persephone, well, she's Persephone. You have to give her a wide berth!
I like to sleep at the foot of my mom's bed, and scratch her feet in the middle of the night! I also like to grab Elektra by the scruff of her neck, and "walk" her (she doesn't like this, truth be told). I also love to escape when my mom gets home from work, and run around outside! Mom and I often play fetch together, with all the little fur mouses that my beloved winkwink Schmutz sent me!
This is Schmutz! Isn't she lovely? She is the love of my life! She lives in Madison, Indiana, which is right on the Ohio River. We often teleport over to each other's homes, so that we may have a chance to smurgle with each other. Schmutz has three brothers; Christofur, Major, and Mahler. You can find them at their website. But make no mistake about it - Schmutz is Queen of her house, and Queen of my heart!
If you would like to learn a little more about me, allow me the chance to express myself in song. The creative muses took over, and I wrote this song, which I call, "My Favorite Things" (which may be sung to the tune of the human song with the same name).
Dried nip leaves blowing on soft summer breezes,
Fur-covered mousies I throw in the air,
When the nip falls,
Wrestling matches with my big, fat brother!
Escaping the confines of our small apartment,
My winkwink Schmutz is the love of my life!
When the sun sets,
The End
*TED=The Evil Doctor, aka the vet.
Welcome to Nipaholics Anonymous! This is a club for all those kitties who, like myself, are nip freaks! It is a club for celebrating nip! And it is your club! Feel free to take a membership card. I hope dat yu will proudly display it on your website, and link back to us at /Heartland/Ranch/2800.
So, tell me what you would like to see happening at NA! We can have meetings, parties, nip exchanges, you name it! We are here for you!
What do you want this club to do or be? Write me and let me know!
We are also a support group for those of you who might feel bad about your addiction to nip. Don't feel bad! Just like you, I too, am a nip freak! Write to me, and tell me your story! I'll be happy to share it with the other members of this fine club.
I am happy to annouce the first contest of Nipaholics Anonymous! I want to know your most creative use for nip. You can email me with your suggestions.
I haven't decided what the prizes will be yet, but I'm sure they'll be great! So, get your thinking caps on, and tell me your   most creative use for nip!
Our first contestant in this contest is Timna. Dis is wut she rote is her fafrit use fur nip: "Iz luv nip! My furrverite is ta roll in it! Iz make sure dat Iz get it all offurr me evenly. Den Iz wiggle it in real good. Dis usually takes place on da kitty perch nexta da bed. Once Iz got so-o happy dat Iz wiggled right off da perch!Ê Umpf! It didna hurt though, 'cause Iz was "nipped out"! Jus scared mommie."
I hafta agree, Timna, I too enjoy rollin round in my nip. Sumtimes, rite after my mommy takes da growlmonster an sux up alla dirt fur da week, she'll get sum of my gud stash of nip, an put a liddle pile of it onna carpet fur me. Den I drool, an roll in it, an eet it, an lay upside down. Ahhh, dat's da life!
Fangu, Timnel, fur sharin yur wunnerful nip story wif us!
Now, all yu offer cats out dere, I no dere's more den jes too nip freeks, so rite in an let me no yur fafrit way to enjoy nip!
Meanwhile, I hope those of you who have not already taken the opporunity to do so, will visit Sir Triffan at the Katnip Club. I am a member of this fine establishment. It is a club for the highest caliber of cat, which is all cats, of course! And while you are there, check out the Feather Room, and the Gift Shop.
In fact, I have picked up a few things from the gift shop, which you may sample. They are located in the Food Pantry.
Floating on air as they cause me to sneezes.
Sun-warmed fresh green leaves, they cause me to sing,
These are a few of my favorite things.
A treat for my mommy, I leave her to scare.
Tossing them higher, so much fun to fling,
These are a few of my favorite things!
To the carpet,
And I roll around.
I think to myself how lucky I have been,
That I can get nipped, again!
Chasing Elektra, then smurgling my mother!
Persephone gets me, her scratches do sting!
These are a few of my favorite things.
Birdies to chase, freedom! I have to be pent!
Hard salmon pounces, a post-dinner treat.
These are a few of my favorite things!
We love to smurgle, she will be my wife.
She cried tears of joy when I gave her the ring!
Those are a few of my favorite things!
Dinner is served.
And my belly is full!
I curl up to nap at the foot of the bed,
And say thanks to Bast, no TED*!
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