Purring Schedule
Please join us in purring for the following cats and their humans. And if you can, drop them a line and let them know you're purring for them. They'll be sure to appreciate the thoughts.
We are sure that by now, many of you have heard the horrific story of Olivia the cat. A beautiful black cat, Olivia was set on fire by two students from Indiana University. The young men who set her on fire are under investigation, and may face stiff criminal charges. There has been a massive outpouring of public support for stiffer penalties in animal abuse cases, and we couldn't agree more for the need to have animal abuse a penalty offense!
Unfortunately, Olivia suffered a stroke and crossed over to the rainbow bridge. This will come as a shock to a lot people and kitties who thought she was getting better. But she was loved and purred for strongly. We're all terribly sad that she crossed over to the bridge, although we know that she is once again beautiful and healthy and not in pain.
Please, every kitty, purr that this sort of thing never happens to another animal again, and that another family will not have to face this kind of loss! And even though revenge is ugly, purr that the responsible young men get what they truly deserve!
If you would like to do more than just purr, have your human click on the image and sign a petition to make animal abuse a federal offense! That way, no more fighting from state to state when these terrible things occur!
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The graphic used at the top of this page was created for Noah's Ark. As you no doubt heard, 16 cats were brutally killed at this shelter this past spring. There is still a lot of healing to do! At Noah's Ark's site, they have a list of links where you may obtain updates. Please visit those pages, and do what you can to see that senseless violence of this kind doesn't happen again. We'll be purring for a long time for the people and kitties of Noah's Ark.
The jury handed down a sentence that many feel did not go far enough, yet went farther than many had though it would. The boys involved have to pay a combination of fines and community service. In addition, they are currently on probation, and if they violate any of the terms of their probation, will go to jail.
This case still continues to gain great media attention. It was recently highlight on an episode of Prime Time Live. Although there are, unfortunately, a number of people who said these youths were just "boys being boys," there were many more who feel that this is an unacceptable attitude! But as long as animals are not seen as having intrinsic value, instead of their monetary value (as if such a thing were possible), people will still continue to wonder what all the fuss is about.
Public awareness is the only way to fight this attitude.
Our friends, the Rankin kitties, and their human family, really could use all our purrs right now. This has been such a terribly stressful year for them, and they could use all our support right now. We are hoping that soon they will be able to put all the heartaches of the past year behind them, and look forward to a wonderful, bright new year.
We have another update on Josh, who is a friend of Miss Kitty Angel Hair's mom. Josh has completed his first round of chemotherapy, and is out of the hospital, and back at school!! This is very good news, because we know how sad and depressing hospitals can be, especially for young humans. (Remember, Josh is only 16.) Miss Kitty Angel Hair says that all things considered, he is in good spirits.
Please, keep purring for Josh, he certainly needs our thoughts right now!
This is a purr request for Harmony. She has a terrible liver disease called hepatic lipidosis, and is currently being tube fed. She has also had terrible nausea, so she's had some trouble keeping her food down.
I am sure this is a very traumatic time for Harmony and her humans, so please, send some powerful purrs their way.
This is a purr request for our Auntie Gwen. We have learned that she has mono, and has been very sick! This is just awful news, since our mom says that it can take a long time for mono to be cured!
So, everykitty purr extra hard for Auntie Gwen so that she'll be able to get her strength back real soon!
This is an updated on Dweeb, a mascot kitty at a Humane Society in Canada. Aunti Johanna says that Dweeb has gone into remission and may be with us for a long time! Once again, the power of the purr prevails!
Rocky has asked for purrs for his mommy and daddy. They are going through an exceptionally difficult time right now, because they have a good friend, Bob, who is in the hopsital, very sick with an infection. He was on a respirator, but for now is off. Also, Rocky's paw's brother, Gene, is very ill with prostate cancer, which is inoperable. He is undergoing treatments, and is on medication, but he doesn't feel very well much of the time.
This is a very serious situation for these people, so please, kitties, purr extra hard, for Bob, Gene, and Rocky's entire human family! They sure could use your most powerful purrs!
We have an update from Tia Marie and her family. It seems the purrs are working, and everyone is feeling and doing better! But there is also some sad news. Their human grandmother died on Janurary 25. She was doing much better, and ready to be released from the hospital, when she contracted a bad infection, and crossed the bridge. So, every kitty please purr for this family, because they sure could use it right now.
So let's every kitty continue to purr for her, and the rest of the family!
Auntie Stacey wrote to us to say that things are looking better for her and her mom, and that she appreciated all the purrs. Her boyfriend's mom, however, is having a lot of difficulties, and could use our purrs. She has had to go into a home, and although most of her kitties are being taken care of except for one, Misty, who is having difficulties. A neighbor is supposed to be feeding her, but she's a very shy kitty, and hasn't been approaching the neighbor for food. Auntie Stacey is concerned, but she lives so far away (hundreds of miles) she can't help. They have rigged the basement door so Misty can come and go, but she could really use everyone's purrs right now!
We got a purr request for our good bud Tom. Poor Tom has a broken back leg! To make this worse, like a good cat, he hid his injury from his humans for some time, until they finally took him in to TED. Tom is now resting comfortably, and taking anti-biotics, so that infection doesn't set in.
Tom's humans are understandably worried about him, but TED assures them that he should heal well. Luckily, it was a clean break, and not dislocated.
So, please, everyone, purr for Tom to get better soon, so that once again, he may have the run of the university where he lives.
This is a new purr request for Morgan, a young human. Auntie Melinda wrote and told us about her. She was severely injured in an accident, and had suffered brain damage. She's been in the hospotal for a long time, now, and has recently been transfered to a hospital near where she lives in Eureka.
She is undergoing rehab, and so far, she is able to dress herself, talk (a lot, according to Auntie Melinda), and she has regained many of her memories, and her personality!
This is wonderful news, but she still has a way to go! Please, everkitty, purr that Morgan continues to make such good progress on her road to recovery.
Auntie Phyllis has asked that all us kitties purr for a little, white, no-name kitty in Virginia. This kitty's humans have decided not to feed it anymore! We are shocked by this, as all of you are, we're sure.
Auntie Phyllis is paying someone to feed this little kitty. She is trying to find a home for it, but it will be a few weeks before she and Uncle Dave are able to get back to rescue this little kitty.
This cat is in desparate need of our purrs! We need to purr for him to be sure to get enough food, and to be safe until Auntie Phyllis is able to rescue him. Please, every kitty, give this poor cat your strongest purrs!
This is an update on Mortimer. Mortimer has come home from TED, and his mom has learned how to give him his insulin injections. He is eating well, and happy to be back home! Let's hope he has no more problems!
This is a new purr request for a small human child named Alexandra. Her grandmother wrote to us to tell us that Alexandra, who is only 5 years old (she'll be 6 in May), has a type of cancer called neuro sarcoma. This is a very pernicious type of cancer, and the survival rates are around 30%.
Alexandra has had several rounds of chemotherapy, and she's even had surgery. She is very sick, and hasn't been able to eat. She gets all her nourishment from an IV tube right now. Yet, despite being so very ill, Alexandra is a cheerful child!
It always makes us truly sad to hear stories like this, and we hope that everyone will send Alexandra and her family some of their most powerful purrs!
Tasha has written to us asking for purrs for her mom, Auntie Debbie. It seems that Auntie Debbie was accused of assault by a coworker. We don't know the specifics of this case, but the girl apparently was making trouble, and Auntie Debbie tried to help out, and got into trouble for it! We don't think Auntie Debbie would do anything to hurt anyone!
Please purr for her so that this whole mess may soon be cleared up! She certainly deserves it!
Gypsy Rose has told us that her human grandmother has to go back into the hospital to have an abcess drained. She has been on pain medication, and is otherwise doing quite well, so she asks that all kitties purr that this abcess will go away quickly!
This is a new purr request for Riley. He got out recently during a bad storm, and was injured. Now TED and his mom thinks he might have been hit my a car! He managed to come home, and was taken to TED who poked and prodded and did all kinds of things to him. He's all bruised, and on antibiotics, and we sure are purring that he gets better soon!
Indrahas asked for purrs for her mom, Auntie Steph. Auntie Steph hurt her back when she was in basic training for the Air Force a few weeks ago, and so they don't want her now. She's back home, but Indra says that she's been sad a lot, so we hope that every kitty will purr for Auntie Steph so she won't be sad anymore.
Scaramouche and friends really need our purrs right now! Their mommy, Auntie Barbara, is really sick, and is afraid that something may happen to her. She has 30 cats, and is trying to find homes for them. They live in Indiana. Please purr that Scaramouche and his friends will find new homes soon! If you have any ideas you can offer, please email Auntie Ellie. She lives near where Auntie Barbara lives.
This is a new purr request for Sticky. Sticky was hit by a car, and broke his leg. TED did surgery on his leg for 3 hours, and apparently it went really well. But Sticky could use some healing purrs!
This is a purr request for Toss. He has a big abscess on his face right now, and although it's started to drain, we imagine he must be feeling some pain! Please, every kitty, purr for Toss so that his infection will heal very soon!
We have received a purr request for Poppacat. At first, he had an abscess, which got better. Then he was in the OUT and got a big hole on his leg! His mommy took him to TED, and TED put Poppacat on another antibiotic, and he has to stay in the IN until it heals. TED said it can't be stitched, because it's on his knee.
So, everykitty, please purr for Poppacat that his leg heals soon, so he can go back out and be happy.
This is a new purr request for Auntie Chris. You may remember she had to help her dog Jackie to the Bridge a few weeks ago, but now we have heard that she went to the Bridge herself just last week. She was sick with diabetes, and plus, we think she just missed Jackie too much, so she went to the bridge.
But we're sure that Auntie Chris could use lots of healing purrs right now, so please, send some healing purrs her way.
Do you have someone you want us to purr for? Let us know , and we'll be happy to
add him/her to our purring schedule! Purring is our favorite thing to do!
*TED = The Evil Doctor, or the vet. We know that veterinarians are not actually evil human beings, quite the opposite, since they devote their lives to helping cure sick animals. But try to see it from our point of view. How would you like to have a glass rod stuck up someplace a glass rod doesn't belong? It's all a matter of persepective.
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