Welcome to the Geocities Zoo!

Welcome to
My "Other" Home on the 'Net!

The pages contained herein reflect some of my most favorite pastimes including (but not limited to!) my pets, my family and adoption (still searching for my birth mother after 15 years). You might have seem some of these pages at my other URL, http://www.auburn.edu/~hamilba, but these pages have some other information.

You won't find any fancy graphics here. You won't find any time consuming JavaScript here. You will find some fun information about me and my life, and if you're an adoptee you will find support here. I am always eager to hear other adoptees' stories, receive any advice on searching and can offer some pretty good advice on searches.

Another of my passions is doing dog rescue. While many of you might be saying "Cool! All kinds of different dogs all the time...how can I become involved?" it's a tedious job with little reward except the love that is reciprocated from these deserving animals. My Rescue Links and Information page (link below) provides some vital information you need to consider before you get involved in rescue or adopt a dog of your own. The main thing to remember is that it's a commitment that lasts (sometimes) up to 20 years. Getting a dog is not a decision to be taken lightly. Please review the Rescue Page and take the information to heart. If you decide, after reading that page, to adopt a dog, please check out the associated links for one that might fit into your life. Sometimes, I am fostering one. Drop by my Foster Stories page and see! There are so many dogs out there and they deserve a chance to have a loving, caring home.

Animal Rescue Links and Information
Adoption Links and Information

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©1997 by Barbara Hamilton