Jim Holder - 11/17/00 05:51:57
My Email:jholder@medford.net
Where are you from: NW Arkansas
Ever been to Missouri?: Most of my life
Are you inteseted in horses?: Only Unicorns
What pets do you own/enjoy?: Wild deer/Hawks
LOVE your web pages... a lot of work, I know!!
Born in Alton, IL. Grew up in NorthWest Arkansas. Lived in St. Louis County many years while working. Sci Fi fan since 3rd grade. Army helicopter pilot and elect engineer.
Carol - 09/03/00 01:01:02
My URL:http://carolshomestead.homestead.com/welcome.html
My Email:SassySox99@hotmail.com
Where are you from: Missouri
Ever been to Missouri?: Yep~ live there
Are you inteseted in horses?: love horses
What pets do you own/enjoy?: 3 beagles, 1 german shep.. 1 cat...1 cockateil
Great place you have!!!!Live in Central Missouri and have been to St. James alot! Take care and keep up the great work!
Gary - 08/13/00 22:01:18
My URL:/ozarkswriter/
Where are you from: Missouri Ozarks
Ever been to Missouri?: "yep"
What pets do you own/enjoy?: 4 Shih Tzu and a Pomeranian
Hi there!! I was just passing through the MO online webring, as I recently became a member and I just wanted to stop in and say hello :-) You have a great site, it is a wonderfull addition to the WWW :-)
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen
Ruth (Honeybee) - 06/17/99 02:38:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/7363
My Email:sgrmtn@moaccess.com
Where are you from: Missouri Ozarks (Lake Niangua, Tunnel Dam)
Ever been to Missouri?: Yep, live there!
Are you inteseted in horses?: sure.
What pets do you own/enjoy?: 6 dogs, 3 cats, 6 kittens, chickens, pigs, rabbits, and a goat!
Just found this Missouri Online Web Ring... It has been great and really fun surfing Missouri sites.. Yours is wonderful! Stop by and see our site sometime also. Keep up the good work!
Dan Coffey - 04/01/99 06:43:36
Where are you from: Texas
Ever been to Missouri?: Born and raised there
Are you inteseted in horses?: rode 1 one time. that was it.
I was just surfing by and hit your page.
Thought i would say hi to a good 'ol missouri.
The best looking women in the world.
I sure do miss home!
klc - 03/23/99 23:53:13
My URL:http://planetsos.com
My Email:kcdc@planetsos
Where are you from: laurie mo.
Are you inteseted in horses?: yes
What pets do you own/enjoy?: dogs 4
looking for 3'rd for myself and hubby to play long term.if interested e-mail please.
Bill boy - 11/20/98 02:06:31
My Email:wnitz92392@aol.com
Where are you from: california
Ever been to Missouri?: maybe someday
Are you inteseted in horses?: duh
What pets do you own/enjoy?: horse and dog
finding little nitches here and there will look even closer sunday.
Donna - 10/27/98 14:57:16
My Email:nbparker@aol.com
Where are you from: Maries Co., MO
I'm a fellow MO hillbilly, presently living in Alabama. Your photo of Meramec Springs made me homesick. :) That was THE place to go for end-of-school picnics back when I was growing up. I've been enjoying your pages. Thanks.
Lois Aichholz - 10/24/98 06:59:46
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/Lois/
My Email:dona@fidnet.com
Where are you from: Missouri
Ever been to Missouri?: Yes
Are you inteseted in horses?: Yes, have a breeding farm!
What pets do you own/enjoy?: All kinds
Hi, Followed a link thru stolen horses! I am interested in Finding the ones that are missing. Like your page and will have to bookmark it and come back when I have more time. I raise Thoroughbreds and TB/X Sport Horses. Take a look at my site and come by
or a visit when you are near here.
10/04/98 14:10:57
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Joy Collins - 10/04/98 02:44:40
My Email:dwa@ccp.com
Where are you from: MISSOURI !!!!:)
Ever been to Missouri?: Live there now
Are you inteseted in horses?: live em and raise arabians
What pets do you own/enjoy?: enjoy cats,birds,squirrels and own a terrier.
I live in Missouri in the northwestern corner 50miles north of Kansas City. Own 3 horses, 2 full arab mares, 1 pinto/arab mare. Love to trail ride especially at Cross Country Trail Rides at Eminence, Mo.
Love to talk about horses, and get real upset when I see horses abused or mistreated(like the horses in Kansas City (Mimia county). Welcome all e-mails.
Mike Hanlen - 08/01/98 15:28:28
My URL:http://home.att.net/~mhanlen
My Email:mhanlen@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from: St. Peters, MO
Ever been to Missouri?: Grew up in Kirksville
Are you inteseted in horses?: my late sister raised Morgans
What pets do you own/enjoy?: Have a scraggly dog
Nice Page
amazonjnglrose - 05/23/98 23:54:12
My Email:amazonjnglrose@webtv.com
Where are you from: New York
Ever been to Missouri?: no but someday???
Are you inteseted in horses?: yes
What pets do you own/enjoy?: dogs, rabbit,iguana
New to internet but having a great time so many
interesting people and places to visit, so little time but I enjoyed your homepage. good luck and nice to visit with u.
RebelHeart - 05/16/98 10:55:22
My URL:http://www.pbmo.net/suburb/rbarrett
My Email:rbarrett@semo.net
Where are you from: Texas
Ever been to Missouri?: Living in Wappapello "c)
Are you inteseted in horses?: Yeppers "c)
What pets do you own/enjoy?: Cat's n Dogs, ALF
Surfin' the Missouri Online Webring! Nice page! I love your links and plan to come back and surf some more "c)
Tim - 05/06/98 07:50:08
Where are you from: Missouri
Ever been to Missouri?: ya
Are you inteseted in horses?: yes
Actually followed the Missouri OnLine web ring. Great
site you have
Linda D. - 04/27/98 14:42:43
My Email:cdennis@feist.com
Where are you from: Kansas ( I was born in Odessa, Mo.)
Ever been to Missouri?: Yes!!! (Missouri is God's Country)
Are you inteseted in horses?: We had horses when I lived on the farm)
What pets do you own/enjoy?: (2) a tuxedo cat named Sweety & a cockatiel named Boo
Nice page you have done a great job.
the undertaker (todd) - 03/28/98 18:41:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/eureka/gold/8627/
My Email:syrenglynd@aol.com
Where are you from: Houston TX
Ever been to Missouri?: nopper
Are you inteseted in horses?: you bet
What pets do you own/enjoy?: fish two cats and kids
still love your site and you pretty mama
David Register - 03/01/98 22:27:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DRREGISTER/personal.html
Where are you from: Arizona
Ever been to Missouri?: No
What pets do you own/enjoy?: n/a
A great site that you have here! Keep up the good work!!! I have an interest Law Enforcement as well! I listen to police scanners & go on ride alongs with my local police department! A Big Cop Wanna-a-Be here!!!
Dawn Marie Blanchette - 02/18/98 20:38:48
My Email:Unicorn610@aol.com
Where are you from: Flagstaff,AZ
Ever been to Missouri?: no
Are you inteseted in horses?: yes
What pets do you own/enjoy?: horses,cats and Dog
Hi I like your page.
Richard - 02/07/98 02:23:17
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Hoppy41/index.html
My Email:richjean@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from: Missouri
Ever been to Missouri?: Show me!!
Are you inteseted in horses?: with out a doubt.
What pets do you own/enjoy?: a 15lb black Tuxedo cat, called Cleo. And she owns me>>
Love your bridge and water, love your pic, love your kitty and love the music. I'm hooked! So, I've bookmarked you. I'll be back. You've been to my place but you're welcome back, as I strive to improve.
LeRoy Pomraning - 01/14/98 06:44:17
My Email:Yorel@cmgate.com
Where are you from: Darwin, MN
Ever been to Missouri?: Yes
Are you inteseted in horses?: Yes
What pets do you own/enjoy?: 5 horses/6 cats/1 rabbit/ 1 fish
My wife, Deanna, and I are members of the Meeker County Sherrif's Mounted Posse.
Just looking for training and other fun activities we can do this coming summer.
Nice site!!! Great Job!!!
Papa - 01/08/98 05:01:28
My Email:hosskop@juno.com
Where are you from: Dickson,Tn.
Ever been to Missouri?: no
Are you inteseted in horses?: yes
What pets do you own/enjoy?: too many to name
Just stopped by to see what was new on this page.I've got my own PC now,(note the name change)so I don't have to bug Doni anymore.Keep on horsin around and I'll talk at you later. Papa
Chuck - 01/05/98 07:40:52
My Email:Bratlovr1@aol.com
Where are you from: Kennewick, Wa
Ever been to Missouri?: No, missed that one
Are you inteseted in horses?: yes
What pets do you own/enjoy?: dogs
enjoyed your pages very much..
Chuck - 01/05/98 07:38:21
My Email:Bratlovr1@aol.com
Where are you from: Kennewick, Wa
Ever been to Missouri?: No, missed that one
Are you inteseted in horses?: yes
What pets do you own/enjoy?: dogs
enjoyed your pages very much..
Jabi - 11/21/97 06:24:22
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/6571
My Email:jabi@geocities.com
Where are you from: mizzura
Ever been to Missouri?: I think so!
Are you inteseted in horses?: uh huh!
What pets do you own/enjoy?: horses and cats!
![]() |
<---Poke the pig to go to J bi's PigPen! |
I love the picture of Meramic Springs. I don't know if I've been there, but I've been to Meramac State Park and Caverns. Haven't been to the caverns in years. The last time my sister and I were there probably 10 years ago they were shooting a commercial
and they used us in a brief segment cooking hotdogs on a grill. :^) They replaced that commercial in the last couple of years or so. It used to air about 2:00 A.M. on channel 11, I think. *grin* It was neat.
I have relatives that live in Cherryville and Davisville, MO, also, and we love to go to the Red Bluff Campgrounds.
Nice to meet you!
sheila - 11/19/97 05:32:15
My URL:http://www.qni.com/~horse4
My Email:horse4@qni.com
Where are you from: missouri
Ever been to Missouri?: yup!
Are you inteseted in horses?: yup!!
What pets do you own/enjoy?: 4 horses,4 dogs, 3cats-2birds!
good lookin page, both of them!!
Kentucky Hillbillies - 10/23/97 03:19:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/wildcatcountry
My Email:agt@rocketmail.com
Where are you from: Eastern KY
Ever been to Missouri?: One of us has (St. Louis)
Are you inteseted in horses?: Only the one on skates!
What pets do you own/enjoy?: own 2 cats/like all kinds
We enjoyed your site, and the music. We were just in the neighborhood and decided to visit your page. Visit ours sometimes if you want to.
Ed Cahill - 10/09/97 14:44:08
My Email:mousehound@juno.com
Where are you from: Dickson, Tn./
Ever been to Missouri?: no
Are you inteseted in horses?: yes
What pets do you own/enjoy?: 3 horses,7 dogs, 2 birds, 1 Bull, 1 Pig, and whatever else needs caring for.
Great Page Suzanne. Where do you find the time. Everytime I get on this thing you've got something new for me to check out. Keep the good stuff coming. PAPA
Jeannie Moloney - 10/09/97 01:00:10
My Email:JeannieMol@aol.com
Where are you from: NYC
Ever been to Missouri?: Nope
Are you inteseted in horses?: as an appetizer or main course?
What pets do you own/enjoy?: have a kitten "Moonlight"
Cool site.....where do you figure out how to do it?
Jabi - 10/07/97 01:38:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/6571/
My Email:jabi@geocities.com
Where are you from: Mizzura
Ever been to Missouri?: Always!
Are you inteseted in horses?: Absolutely!
What pets do you own/enjoy?: 1 cat, 3 monster children!
Hey there woman! It's looking good! I thought i'd stop by and leave ya a little gift!
Nice page. thought I was busy with my pages. take care, and keep up the good work.
be safe
police4 - 10/04/97 01:59:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/LEo
My Email:police4@usa.net
Where are you from: Missouri
Ever been to Missouri?: ??
Are you inteseted in horses?: ya
What pets do you own/enjoy?: a couple of dogs
Where are you from? I see your page says you visit MO. Please tell us more about you/Job.
Harry Cross - 09/30/97 19:23:13
My Email:HRC6@Aol.Com
Where are you from: Akron Ohio
Ever been to Missouri?: No
Are you inteseted in horses?: Yesssssssssssssssssss
What pets do you own/enjoy?: horses
Kevin Mc - 09/30/97 03:10:16
My Email:Kevin37@ix.netcom.com
Where are you from: Santa Rosa,Ca.
Ever been to Missouri?: No
Are you inteseted in horses?: yes-daughter in lessons.
What pets do you own/enjoy?: none
Great home page. I've been a cop 21 yrs. A friend gave me your home page. Some great links! You must sit in front of your computer all day. No police riding unit up here-just Motor Unit. Ever been to Santa Rosa-wine country! Beautiful here! I'll have to l
ok at all the great links you have! (Great pic of yourself too!) Thanks,Kevin
Ray Wilson - 09/30/97 00:50:31
My Email:RehabRay@aol.com
Where are you from: Palm Desert, ca
Ever been to Missouri?: no
Are you inteseted in horses?: yep
What pets do you own/enjoy?: horse
great page. nice pics. you are very talented
Jim - 09/24/97 20:06:20
My URL:/Heartland/Hills/8765/
My Email:jimmers@geocities.com
Where are you from: Battle Cree, Mitten
Ever been to Missouri?: Nope
Are you inteseted in horses?: Yup
What pets do you own/enjoy?: Dog and a cat, I enjoy the dog!
It's coming along nicely. I heard the music!
Waiting for new pics! Oh yeah, if you add the word pictures like this IMG SRC=" /pictures/bc_icon.gif
the Geo link will work. Ok, now you have to do something for me! ;-) See ya later, Jim
me - 09/23/97 23:42:14
My Email:me
Where are you from: here
Ever been to Missouri?: oh yea....
Are you inteseted in horses?: yup
What pets do you own/enjoy?: all
just testing out this fine specimen of a guestbook!!!