Colleen, Mac, Alex and Rio - 08/25/00 14:22:20 My URL: My Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgis | Comments: Hello Tiki and Colleen! Great place you've got here. Us Corgis have got our own place also, and would love it if you'd come by and see it! We'll be back soon! |
Nancy - 04/16/00 19:43:31 My URL: My | Comments: You site is soooo cute. I enjoyed it very much! Keep up the good work. I have 2 dogs of my own, a chuahua and a chuahua terrior, they are a life savor and help me every day with the loss of my husband. Thanks again. Nancy |
Cassie - 02/16/00 21:50:46 My URL:/Heartland/Village/9116 My Breed: human | Comments: Hi Coby it's Aunt Cassie and i think you are just sooo adorable... i'm glad you finally have your own page but you'll have to get your own guest book so you can tell people just how popular you are! love you |
Bruce - 12/29/99 01:53:19 My URL: My Breed: Lhasa Apso | Comments: Just stopped in for a visit. You have a wonderful site. I think I did the review on your site for Hallmarks. Very good job! ![]() |
Uncle Ernie Medlin - 12/26/99 04:15:06 My Breed: Y -E-S | Comments: You came into this world the day my world came to an end . I have waited a long time for Dave & sam to have their first Grandchild . I don't think your Mom & Dad could have done a better job if they would even have known what they were doing . It's a har old world out here May GOD Bless YOU and walk with you all the days of your life. With Love Ernie |
Uncle Doye - 12/26/99 01:04:03 My Breed: not necessarily human | Comments: He's the cutest great nephew I have ever had!I hope to see him soon. I'm sure he will grow up big and strong and make all Bordens proud. I'm sure Pepaw is looking down from heaven with very proud eyes. Grumppaw must be exstatic on this new addition to he family. Congrats to Granny Samijo for the new website. I'm looking forward to new updates in the very near future. Love your favorite and best looking "Great Uncle", Doyle. |
Sandra Kempenaar - 10/17/99 22:44:08 My URL: My Breed: Lhasa Apso | Comments: Great job!The page looks great ,keep up the good work. stop by and visit me sometime and sing my guesbook |
Baxter&Belle - 10/03/99 18:13:10 My URL: My Breed: Saint Bernards | Comments: We just wanted to say WOOF and that we were here.Your owner has done a wonderful job on your page... |
Zasha - 08/22/99 06:18:53 My URL: My Breed: Lhasa Apso | Comments: Your web page is a wonderful place for us girlie dogs to hang out. I loved my visit and my humans are checking it out. |
Cheer-girl and Gizmo - 06/16/99 02:41:37 My URL: My Breed: Lhasa Apso and Human | Comments: Hi! I'm gizmo. My mommie cheer is typing for me because my feet are too big. *Woof* I like your page. Come check out mine and moms! Don't forget to sign my mom's guestbook! |
alex - 06/12/99 21:22:02 My URL: My Breed: stud breed ..hehe | Comments: hey... cute page... dogs rock... have fun, ![]() |
Fido15 - 05/27/99 01:37:07 My URL: My Breed: Saint Bernard | Comments: Wooof! cute page. ![]() |
Colleen and Tiki - 05/15/99 17:00:30 My URL: Breed: Lhasa Apso | Comments: Hi Hootie, What a great site you have here! We have had a wonderful time exploring your pages. We would like to invite you to visit Tiki's Page. (BYOB...Bring Your Own Bones *S*) |
Puckles - 02/21/99 23:40:15 My Breed: llaso apso | Comments: Hi my name is Puckles and I am also a Llaso Apso. I'm fifteen years old-but mom says I still act like a young pup. I enjoyed reading your page very much. I will check back often to see what's new with you. Have a great day! Puckles |
Barbara Goller - 12/17/98 22:25:22 My URL: My Breed: Yorkies,Japanese-Chin | Comments: You have a very nice page ! I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Regards from Germany Barbara |
Bobby McGee - 12/04/98 18:23:14 My URL: My Breed: Dog | Comments: Hi, wow are you ever a cutie pie....wish you were here, and I could play with you....Mommy says I am very loving, I like to share my food and my toys...well most of them, except my fav teddy bear, but if you were here..I would not have to have my teddy am a small boy in stature, but I have a huge heart, and I'd like to kiss you from head o toe...I'm black and white, and I look like a toy bearded collie, but I am not, I am a tibetean terrier/schnauzzer mom also calls me Doggy's nuts...anyhoo, you sure are cute, I just had to drop you a line. I woof you |
Teija - 11/18/98 23:18:21 My URL: My Breed: Japanese Chin | Comments: Hi, Greetings from Finland! your page is cool. Welcome to my site too. |
PamaleeAnn - 11/17/98 00:44:22 My URL: | Comments: Hey, Just wanted to let you know that I had a fun time visiting your site. I thought it was really cute. PamaleeAnn |
Sara_Joy - 10/04/98 18:59:40 My Breed: human | Comments: Your homepage looks GREAT!!!!! Understand that you are a community leader. I need some help in getting started on my homepage. Please email..I need help in getting moved in. Thanks...Sara_Joy |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Jan - 09/19/98 06:38:00 My URL: My Breed: Collies | Comments: Thanks, I had a fun time visiting your site. Congrats on becoming a CL! I know it must be a difficult job...Good luck. Please stop by and visit How To Love Your Dog when you get a chance. Thanks! |
Steve - 09/14/98 12:33:05 My URL: My Breed: huh?? | Comments: Cassie gave me your homepage url, but I was on vacation last week. I believe I am too late to vote for your page....sorry. |
Charlie Brown - 09/13/98 16:28:46 My URL: My Breed: Dog: Terrier/Yellow Lab | Comments: Hi Hootiegirl - Really enjoyed barking with ya, and all the kewl stuff in your doghouse. Good luck in the Pet Award Contest - Woof: Charlie Brown |
Windstorm - 09/08/98 17:16:33 My URL: My Breed: Reploid (read fan fics on my page to find out what a reploid is) | Comments:![]() |
Lucy - 09/04/98 04:10:17 My URL: My | Comments: Thank you for visiting my site and for the kind words. You have a great site; I love your graphics, especially the animation. You have done a superb job. Keep it up. Lucy |
Austin - 09/02/98 19:46:25 My URL: My Breed: I want too, but my mom says I can't | Comments: Cool page. I love it.....good job! ![]() |
Charlie - 08/31/98 20:53:48 My URL: My Breed: 100 % All American Mutts | Comments: Hi, Love what I've seen of your page. I am going to keep looking around when I finish here. Keep up the great work. |
Heather - 08/26/98 20:30:06 My URL: My Breed: Human | Comments: Great page, it is really adorable. Come see Amber, Daisy, Roxy, Suki, Fuzzy and Nikidimus...they'd love to have you for a visit to their pages ! Don't forget to put your paws in the guestbook :) ![]() |
Nick Winkels - 08/14/98 13:53:35 My Breed: male | Comments: dont have one |
ZOIE - 08/12/98 04:19:44 My URL: My Breed: Lhasa | Comments: Loved visiting, you go girl on finding that future mate!My mom want let me, but what the heck I'm the baby.We will visit you again. |
Hank - 08/11/98 18:38:21 My URL: My Breed: Rottweiler | Comments: Neat page! I'm a Rottie rescue; mom brought me home 2 years ago. Sometimes I have to doggysit my grandparents' dog, a Shih Tzu. She's okay for a girl who keeps playing with all my toys and bones. |
Elaine Brock - 08/01/98 15:50:16 My URL: My Breed: Human (I think) | Comments: You have a wonderful page and I have really enjoyed my visit here, hope you have time to stop by site and tell me what you think. |
- 07/28/98 23:33:57 | Comments: |
Jody Roll - 07/12/98 21:57:50 My Breed: Border Collie | Comments: |
Smoko - 07/11/98 15:10:01 My URL: My | Comments: Hiya! Thanks for visiting my page. Thought I would stop by yours and check it out. Your award will be on its way shortly. Congratulations!! Take care and all the best from Smoko |
Dan and jeannie - 07/10/98 17:18:12 My URL: My Breed: many | Comments: Hi Sammi,Hottiegirl, and assorted cat's. We just joined the Heartland web ring,and surfed on to you're site.We have many pet's!! Just can't seem to turn down a furball in need!!Come see our home page, when you have time. We are also on I.C.Q. our#'s= 1101 160 (SKYDOC , Dan) and 12292344 (Majik, Jeannie) Take care, and hope too speak with you soon. Dan and Jeannie |
Brandon - 07/03/98 05:25:20 My Breed: Hmm, maybe I'll get back to you on that one! | Comments: Groovey graphics! Especially the background for Grins and Giggles! And I love the originality of the dawg's point of view! |
SOUNDS_BY_SIX - 07/03/98 03:59:39 My URL: My Breed: St. Bernard | Comments: Nice page. |
AndyK - 05/21/98 17:14:30 My URL: My Breed: Human (ish) | Comments: Groovy page. I dunno how I got here but what the Hey. |
Corrie - 04/28/98 04:35:52 My URL: My Breed: human and ferret | Comments: Hi, Your page looks good. I like the Java Photo alnum I just made one myself for my ferrets. Corrie |
Donna - 04/27/98 22:43:10 My Breed: ???????????????????? | Comments: Quite an opening picture. Great job on the page!t |
Ray M - 04/27/98 21:35:27 My Breed: none | Comments: |
MrBruno - 04/27/98 13:11:51 My Breed: dachshund | Comments: Hi, all. I didn't really have anything to enter for "breed". I'm really more of a cat-person but my family used to have a dachshund named "Ginger": very much a house pet, used to sleep behind a door beneath a radiator, and barked at everyone who entered the house. I remember grabbing onto her tail sticking out from under a couch as if it were a crank on an old-style car. Is it any wonder she barked at us? Visit my page if you dare: |
Sami - 04/25/98 16:31:08 My Breed: human | Comments: Just popped in to keep this pooch honest.... To all others enjoy your visit and make comments. |