I'm Nicole
Nice to Meet You
Hi! I just wanted to tell you a little bit about myself. First off my name is Nicole J. (McGloin) Hazzard. I am 30, married, with a 7 1/2 year old son and 6 year old daughter . I graduated from Oregon State University in June of 1996 with a B.S. in Psychology. My focus was on animal behavior research. I graduated from Portland Community College in 2002 with an A.A.S. in biotechnology. I worked for a year (2002-2003) in the retinal neurophysiology lab at the Neurological Sciences Institute of OHSU. Right now I am a housewife taking care of our children.
(this is from 1998):
I am thinking of going back to school in the future(when the kids are older) to get a degree in biochemistry...I love chemistry, and what really interests me is the chemistry of the brain...hence psychology. I originally started out trying for a biochem degree, but the university I was going to only had a degree in biochem/biophysics...I couldn't stand the physics part of it so I changed to Psychology.
I also want to start a catery when we buy our own house, breeding Ragdolls. Luckily I have a wonderful husband, Shane, who thinks its a great idea and likes cats too. We have a while yet before we can make that happen though. Even though Shane has a great job and makes good money, it is very hard to buy a decent house these days, and its also hard to get a good cattery up and running. Until then I am happy taking care of my wonderful children and husband.
From August 31, 2000:
I have sent a registration in to Portland Community College to take one class. Its not in Biochemistry though, its in Biotechnology. My husband has convinced me that it would be a good idea for me to look into a career in biotechnology, since it is the wave of the future. It also sounds very interesting. Anyways, the class is an Introduction into Biotechnology, so it basically will help me decide if it is really the kind of thing I want to get into. And if it is, Portland State University has a bachelors degree program for Biotechnology, and I might start as soon as next year. Also, we now own our own home, but the catery is something that probably won't happen for a very long time. I do own a cat now, and she is very sweet and lovable.
Frome June 8, 2004:
I did go to PCC, and I recieved an Applied Associates degree in Biotechnology. In order to get the degree, I had to intern at a lab to get some real world experience. I did my internship with Dr.Brown at the Neurological Sciences Institute of OHSU. It was pretty fun, and I was offered a job to stay on as a research assistant. I did research in the field of retinal neurophysiology, specifically with melanopsin, and a few other ion channels. It was a lot of fun to be able to work in a lab, and the other people who worked there were great. However, a year ago, I quit my job so I could stay home with the kids. My daughter started Kindergarten, and her schedule was a bit strange and hard to work with...she went to school and wednesdays and fridays and every other monday. Since the daycare we had the kids in didn't want kids who were older than kindergarten age(ie my son), I at first thought about just doing part-time work, but because of the screwy kindergarten schedule, that would be impossible. Most of the procedures I did required 3 straight days of work, not one day here and one day there. So, I just quit all together and am now once again a stay at home mom. Lately I have also been watching a neighbor girl every once in a while when her mom needs it. She is in the same class as my son, so it is not a big deal. She's good friends with my daughter, and all the kids play together well. I am thinking of looking for more work when the kids go off to school in the fall. Then both of them will be in school full time, so I could work part time...It would be nice to be in a lab again.
Another thing I have just started is drawing manga. I am trying to teach myself how to draw well enough so that I can produce a web comic online. I already have the idea for the comic, and I've written the first part of the story, now I just need to get the drawing down^_^ I believe I am doing well so far, but I still have a ways to go before I can produce an actual manga site.
There are a lot of things that I am interested in. I have most recently started up quilting...and yes, true to form, I am becoming a fabriholic...I see all this beautiful fabric around that I would love to buy and make into wonderful quilty things. So far I have made a Santa claus with a log cabin patched jacket, and I just recently finished a crib size quilt for my daughter. Right now I am working on a small(12"x15") appliqued wall quilt called Cat Nap. I was kind of scared of tring applique, so I decided to just jump right in and do it. Maybe I'll even get it finished sometime! :-)
Since then, I have done quite a bit more quilting, and you can see some of those things on the craft page(link below). I made a double irish chain lap quilt, a heart pillow for my mom, a cat wall hanging for a cousin, a stained glass fish wall hanging for my parents, a teacup wall hanging for a friend, a patch quilt for charity, a miniature wall hanging for myself, and most recently a Double wedding ring throw for my sister. As you can tell, I haven't kept a whole lot of my own work...I love to give things away:-).
I have been making beaded dream catchers for a few years. They are very lovely things, and very easy to make. I would try to sell them, but I just like giving them away to family and friends.
I also do some crocheting. The first thing I made was a baby blanket for Aidan. I really like crocheting doilies(I have no idea if that is spelled right)though. I've made several of them, including a tabble runner that I am just finishing up(its for my mother). I've also made a throw blanket using a Q sized hook and two yarns at a time...it is very nice and cozy, especially since I used very soft yarn. Right now I have a lap throw I'm making...I designed it myself. It will have a picture of Kokopele on it. I've also tried to start knitting, but that's a little hard for me to get into(I've been doing mostly quilting).
We took a trip to Montana in the summer of 1997 to visit my relatives (the McGloins). While there I collected several beautiful rocks. All sorts of agates, quartz, and even some jasper. So of course I decided to try my hand at rock carving. I got some carving tools, and I am in the process of carving a little butterfly out of one of the rocks. One thing I have found out about rock carving is you have to be very patient. It will take me a while to finish the butterfly.
I think I'll start a craft page soon, and I'll put in pictures of some of the things I have made.
I collect a lot of different things, but my largest collection right now is of English Wade figurines. I only have about 75 in my collection, but I'm always looking for more to add to the collection.
Well, if you've seen the other pages on this site, you know that I love cats. Another thing I'm fond of is dragons. Dragons are fantastic, and completely misunderstood creatures. I think they are slowly gaining in popularity though, as more and more people come to realize that they are not horrible man eating monsters. To help spread this message, I support these foundations:
Now for a little background. In past years I have written several poems, and I wanted to share them. Now, most of these poems have very dark themes. The reason for this is that I suffered from clinical depression when I wrote them. I was clinically depressed for several years and finally got some help while I was in college. Anyways, here is a little study in depression through poetry:
My Poetry Page
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