The shortest distance...

My Pages

Here's a nifty little list of my pages, just in case you're in a hurry and need to know, like, what my favorite song is NOW! (You never know.)

Go hereto win one of my awards!

Check out Beyond Language and find out what my favorite words are.

the Goddess has lots of cool stuff about my little modest self.

Knick-Knacks is crammed full of stuff I couldn't find anywhere else to put. You'll my gift to MOTH here.

Petals has lots of random pieces of useless info on me.

Quotes has, well,...quotes (sorry Brett: "quotations")

Find out what my favorite things are at Raindrops on Roses

Say What? is a favorite of many. This is where I document strange and hilarious things that I catch people saying.

Ovation Creations houses my wonderful selection of original graphics.

Trophies and Tiaras is my awards page. I don't have any yet, but feel free to change that any time! =)

Links on a Stick......Come on, you don't need any help with that.

Everybody loves a survey! Here's mine!

Surfing a webring? Check out The Ties That Bind.

Verses has great poetry and lyrics (and music) to some of my favorites songs.

Broadway fans, my Broadway lyrics page is a must see!

Words to Live By is my stand on a soap box opportunity. It's where I've recorded some of my biggest beliefs.

Phantom Phantasy is a new page dedicated to Phantom of the Opera, one of my many obsessions!