Karen's Book Store

My neighbor's books sit primly in a row--
Dickens in blue, and Thackeray in red,
Like Orphans dressed in their asylum gowns,
With only numbers to distinguish them.
And, like the Orphans, they are coldly clean,
No dog's-eared pages there--no pencil marks,
Even the dust is kept from them by glass;
And there they sit, encloistered and aloof.

My books are not like that, they are my friends;
They share my sorrow and they share my joy--
Live as I live, and show their age, like me;
Here's one has covers faded from the sun--
It shared my holiday along the shore;
This one companions me at breakfast time,
Each morning as I take my hasty meal,
And gives me courage for the day's despite.
(Its rather spotty, true; but, ah so dear!)

...You lonely books
Upon my neighbor's shelves, I pity you!

~from Books by Florence Van Cleve

I have always wanted to own a bookstore and now
my dream has come true - even though it is in cyberspace!


I am a member of Amazon Book's Associates Program. The books underlined can be ordered from Amazon - just click on the title of the book,
or search for a book using Amazon's Search.
Happy Reading!

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Who can resist a good mystery book while curled up in a chair on a rainy night. Or a book on organic gardening while sitting on the patio on a spring day, surrounded by yellow forsythia, purple lilacs, and plum blossoms. How about a huge historical novel or biography while on that same patio in the middle of a hot summer afternoon with the rose bushes in full bloom.

If you get the impression that I love to read, you are right. I wish I had kept a list of all the books I have read - just for my own curiosity. And so I could share some good books with you. I will just have to search my memory.

Here is a list of some of my favorites.


The following sites are good book sites. Give them all a
visit and tell them Karen sent you.

Ancestral Books
Genealogy Books
Heritage Books
LDS Books- this site also features Home Study information and curriculum. They also have miscellaneous interesting things. I found a book on soap making (which I am going to learn this summer).
Scottish Books
Willowbend Bookstore
Yorkshire Book Shop


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