When Blue First Saw The Water Sprinkler:

My dog Blue does the craziest things sometimes. When Blue was about eight or nine months old
he discovered the water sprinkler. Boy was that a sight to watch. It was a Spring morning, I was doing
dishes, and Blue was outside. I can see out to the back yard from the kitchen sink. I was watching Blue
play as he normally does in the morning. Pretty soon Blue started running and jumping up biting at the air. I
had no idea what he was doing. I continued to watch him run back and forth in front of the privacy fence
by the neighbors’. He would just run and jump up and bite at the air. Curiosity got to me, so I headed out
to see what he was doing. When I got to the bottom of the hill I discovered that the neighbors’ sprinkler
was on. Blue continued to run and jump up and bite at the air. I watched for a moment, then figured out
every time the water came over the fence he was biting at it. The poor little puppy had no idea where the
water was coming from. All he knew was it did not belong in his yard. Blue continued to do this for several
hours. Then they finally turned the hose off. That afternoon we showed Blue the water sprinkler in our
yard. He enjoyed playing in it also. He would run right up to where the water comes out and bite it. Blue
will be three in August and to this day he still loves to play in the sprinkler. I really think he enjoys the
neighbors’ more than ours. I guess it is because he does not really know where that water comes from.
This goes to show that sometimes the craziest things will keep my dog "Blue" happy.

Little Blue's House
Geocities Heartland Ranch