Welcome To Blues' Choice Links

If you would like to have Blues' world Award email us at bluesworld@hotmail.com
Our Links
Hobo The Bearded Collie
A Great Beardie
Cathy's Tropical Fish
A very detailed page on tropical fish
Krystie's Ferret Fun
A very detailed page on Ferret's
Hundmeister Reg'd Dobermans
A lot of information on Dobermans
Rose Croft cairn Terries
A very informative page on cairn Terries
Rachel's Pawfect Page
A very cute little Tibetan Terrier named Rachel
Charlotte and Comet Inc
A very cool dog
Lucy Fur and Mitsy
a very cute Pekingese and one Beardie mix
Fred and Calvins Page
Two very handsome Beardies
Mrs Dookers Place on The Web
A Cairn Terrier from Long Island
Phi-Vestavia Cardigan Welsh Corgis
Page on some very cute dogs with lot's of information
Joanie's Wildlife Homepage
A great page on wildlife
Little Blue's World
Geocities Heartland Ranch