Welcome to my Web site (Or what's left of it)
If you're here to see the cats click here
Due to Yahoo! Geocities requires, I recieved the following message:
"Your web site, http://www.geocities.com/billby_w
seems to have been receiving a large amount of traffic.
Our records indicate that you're using more than the allotted amount
of data transfer we provide for a free web site, which is 3 gigabytes
per month (measured on an hourly basis). That means that during the
past few days we had to temporarily turn your site off to keep the
bandwidth within this limit.

What can I do?

Keep in mind that large files such as images and multimedia files
can effect your data transfer greatly. A single web page that
contains 200,000 bytes of images will only be able to be viewed
about 20-25 times an hour. By keeping your file sizes and page
sizes as small as possible, you can maximize the amount of page views
your site can produce.

You can also upgrade your site to one of our premium services,
GeoCities Pro or GeoCities Webmaster. These packages allow for 10 and
20 gigabytes of data transfer per month, and also give you the option of
purchasing unlimited data transfer so your site will always be accessible....

Well, I can not reduce the amount of data on the site since I am offering free graphics.
I won't pay for a graphic web site since I am not making (nor have an intention to do so)
money out of my graphics. These graphics are the graphics I made on my free time.
 It is too bad I can not offer them to others anymore.
So, I am terribly sorry that you can't see my graphics, but now Yahoo! Geocities won't have to turn off my site, I did it myself.
Untill I find another nice host to host my graphics for free this web site is down.