Disclaimer: Western Colorado Camp Courage, Inc. is not supported by or affiliated with any other organization, it is supported and operated by local contributors/volunteers. There is no paid staff.
Providing Thunder Mountain Camp, a cost free camp for kids with cancer
and other life threatening illnesses/injuries.
Siblings accepted on a space available basis.
All volunteer-non-profit organization
PO Box 123 Cedaredge, Colorado 81413
PHONE: (970)835-3387 home of Director
E-mail Director, Ruth A. Dawson
September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Click on the logo to learn more. The three girls featured on the National Childhood Cancer Foundation site found here have attended camp at Big Spruce Campground.
See the virtual quilt for the children who have attended camp at Big Spruce. Quilt
Smile Quilts will make virtual quilts on request for a chronic or terminally ill child. Memorial Quilts are also made by request.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. To see the Director's Page go here.
Remember YOU are special, you do make a difference in someone's life. Click on the ribbon to learn more.
Visit Random Acts of Kindness to find out about RAOK and the Pink Ladies.
Please light your candle in remembrance of the children. For us it is for Shane and Jeanne.
Keep up with what's happening, read The Heartland Express.
We're family friendly and safe for all ages.
A simple friend thinks the friendship is over
when you have an argument. A real friend knows that it's not a friendship
until you've had a fight.
-- Chris Archambault
Sing, Sing a Song
See the Director/webmistress' tribute for the World Trade Center disaster.
Another group supporting families and children with terminal or life long illnesses is Make a Child Smile (MACS)