Welcome to our site. Yes, this is one of several "Kellogg" pages -- but as you can probably tell, this ain't Battlecreek and we ain't sellin' cereal. This is "down home" Kellogg country.
Besides reporting and opining on a variety of subjects, we have a mess o' genealogical facts and information on the Kellogg family with more being added as acquired.
Pages included on this site:
- Truths for Seekers and other facts of life.
- Kellogg Genealogy A wealth of information -- famous (& not-so-famous) Kelloggs in history, family photos, original stories, etc. -- as well as access to 3066 individuals who are currently stuffed into our Family Tree program file.
- Politics, hopefully not "as usual."
- My Pitch ForW and for our Country.
- Disability issues. Random thoughts on same.

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