(Hola, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Buon Giorno, and Salve!)
(my favorites)
Patricia C. Wrede: I love her "Enchanted Forest Chronicles." They're funny, magical adventure stories.
Tamora Pierce: She's got three series--"Lioness Rampant", "Immortals", and "Circle of Magic". If you like female knights, all kinds of magic, and triumphs of good over evil, then these are books for you.
Sue Grafton: On a more sensible note, Grafton writes mystery stories. Her private detective Kinsey Milhone is amazing yet odd (I still can't imagine peanut-butter-and-pickle sandwiches).
Agatha Christie: She is the Queen of Mystery Writers. Her plots and especially her endings are mind-twisting. Her best are "Ten Little Indians" and "Murder on the Orient Express."
L. M. Montgomery: She wrote all of the "Anne of Green Gables" books, plus a whole bunch of others that are great to read over and over again.
And lastly, my all time favorites: "The Little Prince", a sophisticated fairy tale, and "The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail", which is a brilliant, humorous play.
This is my obssession, what I eat, breathe, sleep, and work non-stop at.
My personal best in competition is 39' 10".
www.canthrow.com--lots of information and merchandise (shot-put T-shirts are awesome!).
"The Thrower's Page"--articles on up-to-date information for throwers of all ages.
www.dyestat.com --results of high school state track and field meets
I throw the discus, too. My personal best in competition is 119' 4"
I happen to like big dogs, especially St. Bernards. No little mop-end dogs for me. These are some pictures of my family's St. Bernard puppy Kacy (well, pictures that are a year old. I'm trying to find some recent ones; she's a lot bigger).
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This page was last modified 7/26/01