Pinballdave's Favorite Table


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face2.jpg (19358 bytes)I am sure you don't look any better on your passport photo!

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There's more than corn in Indiana!

I am a life long Indiana resident, born in the city that saved itself, Ft. Wayne. I was raised on a dairy farm.

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I graduated from a small school in Northern Indiana. After that, I obtained my degree in Accounting and Computer Science (strange coincidence).

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Find out what is happening in the local couny seat!

Click this link to learn more about Indiana in general

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Here are some of my favorite music sites

Dave on vacation w/ pics!

The May starting page

The wonder full trip to California!

Do you need a scanner?

Coming soon!

This is what I drive


If you're curious, this is what the weather is like in Northern Indiana today!


irene2.jpg (19093 bytes)Irene Silveus, former staff with the Elkhart Truth, we used to correspond about websites; visit the Elkhart Truth Interactive Addition



Who is Slipkid?

It's not much yet, but drop me a line as to what you think at

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