Carbon copy of myself
Your voice I hear each day
Even though we're miles apart
You're never far away
Sentimental times alone
Don't let them get you down
For when your life seems at its end
I'm there, just turn around
Though on our own in separate worlds
There is always part of you
Within my heart and in my soul
Once one and now we're two
Mirror image of myself
So close and yet so far
Our lives apart yet still the same
My twin is who you are
İFran Boppe aka.Ayzha
Written for my twin sister, Barb.
I can't imagine life without her in it!

You are the highlight of my life
You fill my days with love
Something as this special
Only comes from God above
He kissed your tiny forehead
And sent you on your way
To loving arms which hold you tight
And keep you safe each day
When you close your eyes and fall asleep
Our hearts they beat as one
No feeling in the world compares
No words, for there are none
A kiss from God begins your life
Our journey now will start
He'll always own your precious soul
But you will own my heart
İFran Boppe aka.Ayzha
Dedicated to all Mothers and those dreaming to become a Mother

First Horse
Perhaps you've seen a glimpse of him
Through tears in dark of night
His majesty and regal air
Take hold to calm your fright
They call him the protecting one
He rides close by your side
Though never seen, he paves the way
For those who've not yet died
His shadow stays beside you
Though you ride a different steed
The memory of a bygone friend
Is there when ere you need
They'll never be another first
In horses you will ride
But a shadow of a memory
Proves he hasn't really died
İFran Boppe aka.Ayzha

1905 - 1995
Dedicated in memory of my Mother, who turned 90 in 1995. 1905-1998
Can you imagine being born
In Nineteen Hundred Five
And being here to tell it all
In Nineteen Ninety Five
From cotton fields to cotton sheets
You've come a long way baby
From helping in the saw mill
To a sophisticated lady
To heat your house you shoveled coal
Then tucked yourself in bed
All wrapped up in your blankets
With a cap around your head
For breakfast you made grits and ham
And bisquits so I'm told
With homemade jam and buttermilk
A meal compared to gold
You made your clothes from scraps of cloth
No makeup for your face
To dress up for a party
Meant a bath and touch of lace
How many children have a Mom
With stories from way back
You were like a piece of history
Tucked in my school back pack
Just think of what I put you through
From rock and roll to dates
Remember all our summer trips
To half the eastern states
Georgia was the best of all
For that's where you were born
Driving by those cotton fields
And rows and rows of corn
"Spare the rod and spoil the child"
A lesson I learned well
I guess it wasn't all that bad
For this story I can tell
I used to call them "Olden Days"
Your stories made me shudder
I see now they were "Golden"
In this world of noise and clutter
Twins you had real late in life
How did your nerves survive
I'm just so glad you're here with us
In Nineteen Ninety Five
İFran Boppe aka.Ayzha

Although We Have Never Met
Although we have never met,
you have touched the very heart of my soul.
Your patience, love, and understanding
have carried me through some hard times.
You have been here for me when I needed you most.
Although you are a world away,
somehow we know each other in a way that really matters.
We are closer than most people who have met,
because we have taken the time to reach deep within ourselves
to know the person beyond the face.
It is truly what is on the "inside" that counts.
You are more than words on a screen.
You are an inspiration in times of need...
You give me hope when things seem lost...
You make me laugh, cry, listen and talk...
You make me think without saying a word.
In this vast world of silent talk,
although we have never met,
I have found a true "friend."
İFran Boppe aka.Ayzha

If I Could Live Forever
If I could live forever
By your bedside I would be
So in the morning hours
I'd be the first thing you would see
We'd run through fields of clover
With the cool breeze on our face
Don't worry if you slow down
For I would keep the pace
If you're away I'll guard our home
While wishing you were here
A gentle pat and words of love
They show me you are near
If I could live forever
I'd stay right by your side
My master and my keeper
Until the day I die
İFran Boppe aka.Ayzha

All poetry İFran Boppe aka.Ayzha May not be reproduced in any manner. Permission is not given to post any poems/writings on any web sites
Please enjoy all my poems/writings and I only ask one thing...that you leave them where they are. I do not mind "links" to them, but do not give permission to have my writings posted on other web sites. Also prior to linking, you need to request permission. Thank you for your consideration.

Dare to Care...pick up your own animal care tag from Buttons Etc. in Ayzha's Attic
Please note: this tag is NOT for the taking!!!