These two kitties are amazing...after a year, you would think I could tell them apart! They are so identical it's amazing. When I moved to this house a year ago, the previous owner asked me if I would mind watching her two kitties until they got settled into their new home, and of course I said "no" I wouldn't mind. After all, what's two more! There was one catch...Tequila probably would never let me get near her! "Well", I said, "we would see about that"! The kitties were extremely thin so the first thing on my agenda was to fatten them up. They were only ever fed dry food so I proceeded to spoil them with 2 extra cans of food a day. Tequila was obviously not too sure of me, the stranger, but with each day, the distance between us got closer and closer until finally one day she actually purred and rubbed up against my leg. That was all it took! A little cat food, some kind words, and letting her come to me in her own time. She is extremely lovable now just like her sister "Sunshine". They are both doing great, and by the way, the owner decided to leave them here since this is their "home". So the story ends...7 kitties...7 spots in my heart and a lot of purring! By the way, "Wildman", a kittie who may or may not have a home, knows he can always find a meal at this house! Like a ghost in the darkness, he waits for the opportunity to seize food, then runs. Every now and then, a glimpse tells me he is ok.

Oh where oh where do I start with tiny Storm! She was born in the wild, afraid of people, very, very malnutritioned and hard to believe this little bag of bones was even alive! I first spotted her lurking under my car, this teeny lump of a kitten hiding in the shade. I would visit the construction site of the new home and spotted her 3 times. Each time when she was approached, she would run. Not being able to get close to her, I would drop some food nearby hoping she would get it after I left. A week before moving in, I had put my other kitties in crates and had them on the covered porch to get used to their new surroundings. One morning while checking on them, there was Storm! She had crawled between the wire opening of one of the crates. Now these openings are tiny, so you can imagine how skinny this kitten was! She was too weak to run away and it was obvious she was very, very sick. Her eyes were almost matted shut, she was nothing but skin over bones, and could do nothing but sit hunched up. Off to the vet we went! Lots of money later, I left with a prognosis of she will probably have to be put down, possibly has leukemia, and is extremely malnutritioned, and various other bad news. Well, as far as I was concerned, this little orphan of the storm would make it!!! No one had given her a chance yet! So on antibiotics, eye ointment, vitamins, and lots of TLC we started to weather the storm together! It took only 5 days of nurturing and this little kittie was starting to respond with a slight purr. It is now almost 3 weeks and I only wish I had a before and after picture! Little Storm loves her crate!! After all she is catered to like a little queen. She shows her appreciation by bouncing out to say hello, giving little "nips" on my finger, and rolling over and playing! It is hard to believe only 3 short weeks ago, Storm was wild! ~~UPDATE~~ Storm is now a member of the group! They are all loose and very happy in their new surroundings. Storm is purring up a "storm", loves to be played with but a little leary of being held and extremely cautious of all strange noises. I'm sure it's from being born and living wild for those few weeks. So is this it now? YES! NO MORE KITTIES!!! AND I MEAN IT!!! :)
This next story deserves a page of it's own. Please visit two very special kitties, Roadie and Oreo, and read about their ordeal in Highway Litter...Animal Cruelty then continue to Raising Kittens with a Mother's Love and watch them grow up online!

"SPOT"...Yes, a totally wild cat can be tamed! We call him "Spot" because he is one HUGE black spot!
Today is 4/4/04 and another bond created! I pet Spot for the first time!
About 4 months ago there was an animal in my garage. I never knew exactly what it was because as soon as the door was open all that was seen was a flash of black. As time went on the flash became slower and I knew it was a ferel cat. This cat was about as wild as any I've seen. Snarling, growling, and running for it's life everytime it saw a human. I began to spend time sitting on the steps in the garage and just watching for this wild thing. As the weeks went by he became braver and braver. At first sitting just inside the door, then a few feet inside but never close enough to reach out to him. The boldest thing he began to do was venture over to the cat food dish which sits up on a table but getting there was in a round about way. He would never dream of walking past me. During the many, many weeks, I began talking to him, telling him it was ok and I could see he was getting less and less fearful of me. One day while feeding my cats their moist food I decided to try and approach him and offer him some also. To my surprise as I approached him he backed up a few steps but not running away was a big leap in our bonding. I sat the food dish down and backed up and he approached and ate but always taking glimpses over his shoulder as if something was going to attack him. A few more weeks went by and Spot was now seeming more comfortable to just sit in the garage and watch me but I didn't dare approach him or he'd flee for the outside. One night as I was handing out kitty treats Spot sat and watched and made a low mumble in his throat as if he were trying to ask for some. It was a big risk but I decided to take it. I slowly offered him a treat "in my fingers" and to my amazement, he took it! He took it but immediately backed away as if to avoid some sort of punishment or he was in fear something was going to happen. It broke my heart to see this cat so fearful of me. Several more weeks of talking to him while he was on the table eating or just sitting in the garage showed him I was in no way going to harm him. Tonight while giving the cats their moist food I decided to take another step. I would try and pet him while he was eating. After handing out all the food, I approached Spot and put his dish down and this time instead of moving away I stayed. I slowly put my hand on his head, talked to him gently and began petting him. He didn't move!!! What a big step! Now I didn't push it, a few pets was enough for me to show him these hands would never hurt him. I don't know where our bond will lead. For now it's just one slow step at a time and when Spot is ready to accept me he will let me know and I will know all the patience and understanding was worth it to show him humans aren't so bad afterall.
**UPDATE**April 4, 2007 For a long time Spot was only seen after dark, he would never venture here in the daytime. For about a month now he has started showing up in the morning! Although still somewhat skittish, he will now let me pet him and I even picked him up one time. About a week ago he showed up with the sniffles, sneezing and just not looking well so I put him on an antibiotic which he is getting twice a day. After a few days he is feeling much better. Spot is now starting to "hang out" with the other kitties a lot more and spending a lot of his time in the garage. He can come and go as he pleases and is choosing to stay. He has since been neutered and is now the most lovable cat of the bunch! Who says a feral cat can't be tamed!! It was a long haul for this cat but now he can enjoy a normal life...the way it should be.

Colonel is truly one beautiful and BIG cat! When my daughter moved out it was decided Colonel would stay here and enjoy the big outdoors and his friends. He was at one time a shelter cat looking for a home. He is a very sweet cat and will paw the air when he wants to be loved on. The most unusual thing about him is he won't eat "canned" food!! He prefers the crunchies! That's ok...he is one huge healthy cat and more than welcome to remain here forever. He reminds me of a toasted marshmallow...pleasingly plump and slighted toasted in color. His eyes are like two crystal clear pools...the prettiest eyes I've ever seen on a cat. Love you Colonel!!
*UPDATE* As of this writing it is with a sad heart my Tigger, Tiffany and Reebok are no longer with me
And yet another addition....................

I WILL NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN!!!! On July 4, 2004 our family spent the evening watching fireworks. My sister and I decided to take a walk before they started and lo and behold if it's injured, lost or abandoned, it finds me! While passing a soy bean field I saw a tiny kitten pop it's head out then run across the street. Before long there were two more running and playing and almost getting hit by cars. We stood in the street stopping traffic so they could get back and forth safely. Finally I decided to try and get them. I had a feeling they were semi wild as they wouldn't approach us but using a twig to lure them into playing with it, we wound up getting all three. To make a long story short we found homes for 2 of them and I kept the third one. She has adapted extremely well to living in the house with all the dogs and she has personality plus! Being as she was found on July 4th. we named her "Freedom." Freedom eventually found a wonderful indoor home!

Oops!! "Whikser" is visiting from the other page and found a playmate!!!
Now the story is complete, take a cat nap, but don't be gone too long!

Most of us, at one time or another, have lost a dear pet.
"Rainbow Bridge" is truly a heart warming story on where our pets go when they die.
Wait till you see the LARGE cats!
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"Don't forget to close the gate, wouldn't want to lose all the kitties!"