Nermal's Memorial Page

These pages are dedicated to Cats and Kittens who've made the journey to Rainbow Bridge.
Nermal's Photo Courtesy of Rod and Joy Lewis

Nermal - wild kitten hand raised

Nermal - a gift given for a short time.
You came to me on Mother's Day, when I needed you most. We had just moved to new town, I was pregnant and lonely. Your mother had been killed on the road trying to move you and your family
( we never found them).

You were not even a hand long. I had to feed you with a babies bottle, do everything for you. We took you to Perth each time we went and you didn't like the car but you put up with it. Then on Christmas Eve you were taken from me just as suddenly as you came.

Three weeks later Brittany was born. I believe that you came to me as a gift to help me through my pregnancy and loneliness. Thank you baby.


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White Kitty

This page was created on Sunday - November 23, 1997 and Last Updated on Saturday - September 19, 1998.
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