pusle - 04/30/00 11:43:42 My Email:l.e.f.a@get2net.dk Do you own any pets?: yes What kind of pets do you own?: now,only 2 cats Where are you from (City, State):: denmark Where did you learn of this site?: surfed in | Comments: In grief of the loss of my cat, Mickey, I've surfed around, too find comfort in knowing others feel like I do. It was a chock too me, to have to say goodbey, within just a few days. By searching on the net, I feel I somehow work on my sorrow, and make it easyer to get through the minutes, hours, days without him. I appreciate a site like this, it brings comfort... |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Gav - 09/18/98 09:20:17 My URL:/SouthBeach/Lagoon/9819/index.html Do you own any pets?: Yup! What kind of pets do you own?: Three moggies What is your favorite Pet Site?: None Where are you from (City, State):: UK Where did you learn of this site?: Was given URL | Comments: Nice site. Loosing a pet isn't easy, is it? But they're always alive in our hearts. May I leave this as a lasting momento to our dear Squidge who we lost too soon. Appreciate your pets, they're not here forever! |
merr penny - 06/12/98 02:36:43 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5913 My Email:penny33@webtv.net Do you own any pets?: yes What kind of pets do you own?: 5cats 3ferrets 1 dog What is your favorite Pet Site?: arkonline Favorite Pet Site URL(if you know it):: www.arkonline.com Where are you from (City, State):: pa Where did you learn of this site?: Mmn.Alto | Comments: great site love your memorial page |
Angela - 04/06/98 08:51:42 My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/4787/ My Email:dworak@bonsai.fernuni-hagen.de Do you own any pets?: sure!! five cats, two dogs, two birds Where are you from (City, State):: Germany | Comments: Hello!! Timone & Simba told me to visit this site! I like this place, will be back to visit you again! Greetings from Germany, Angela and her cats, dogs and birds ![]() |
Snickers the cat and Krista Sinkers human - 11/15/97 02:05:56 My Email:Buddy127792aol.com Do you own any pets?: Yes What kind of pets do you own?: 2dogs, 2cats,1 hamster What is your favorite Pet Site?: this site and claw Where are you from (City, State):: Medford, NJ, USA Where did you learn of this site?: Claw Mewsletter | Comments: This is a nice site. the cat that lives with me told me that the cat before me was named Holly and that she died from Cancer. Mew mew. This is a nice site for memorials. |
icequeen (mel) - 11/04/97 04:41:11 My Email:icequeen@sk.sympatico.ca Do you own any pets?: I am slave to 3 cats What kind of pets do you own?: Feline, the best kind! Where are you from (City, State):: Saskatoon, Sask., Canada Where did you learn of this site?: from Purrarw hisself! | Comments: Its just me, checkin out both your sites, very nice, and I really like the pet memorial idea. So where do you come up with all the ideas? I should be so imaginative! |
Jeannie Rowe - 09/13/97 22:27:47 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/7589 My Email:Delilla@WEBTV.NET Do you own any pets?: Yes What kind of pets do you own?: Cats and Dog and Goldfish What is your favorite Pet Site?: Yours Where are you from (City, State):: Turlock,California Where did you learn of this site?: Surfed on It | Comments: I love it.I will be comeing back,believe me and often.Thanks |
Lee - 09/06/97 15:56:13 Do you own any pets?: yes What kind of pets do you own?: 6 cats, 2 dawgs What is your favorite Pet Site?: claws Where are you from (City, State):: IL Where did you learn of this site?: claws | Comments: |
Carol Potter - 09/05/97 13:52:17 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/1153 My Email:cepotter@ccs.carleton.ca Do you own any pets?: yes What kind of pets do you own?: cat, dog, rabbit What is your favorite Pet Site?: BFCC Favorite Pet Site URL(if you know it):: http://www.dancris.com/~henry/club.htm Where are you from (City, State):: Ottawa, Canada Where did you learn of this site?: from you | Comments: You have been very busy! And it looks good! I was impressed by the specially designed pictures and the cool postcards. How did you do the postcards. I would like to do that on my travel page using photographs of places I have traveled to. Again good ob, Clay! |
Franklin Rosenberg - 09/04/97 20:05:58 My URL:http:/home.pacbell.netmaryef/ My Email:maryef@pacbell.net Do you own any pets?: yes What kind of pets do you own?: cats What is your favorite Pet Site?: several (pet place) Favorite Pet Site URL(if you know it):: http://www.otn.com/ThePetPlace/ Where are you from (City, State):: Garden Grove,CA Where did you learn of this site?: Clay Fugitte | Comments: I've looked at both site and they are now on our link page. You have done a fine job. FR |
Lucy - 08/30/97 00:05:26 My Email:patnkat@iamerica.net Do you own any pets?: yes What kind of pets do you own?: 8 cats 3 dogs What is your favorite Pet Site?: still visiting Where are you from (City, State):: monroe louisiana Where did you learn of this site?: madam alto | Comments: I have really had a neat time visiting and learning so many diferent things to see and it goes on and on. I love all my purr kitties they are like my children. * spoiled brats!!! I'll be back Thanks!!!!! |
Allegra - 08/23/97 23:49:42 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/3443/ My Email:allegrapuppy@hotmail.com Do you own any pets?: I am a Boston Terrier, and I have another Boston brother and a Pug sister What kind of pets do you own?: BT, Pug What is your favorite Pet Site?: Boston Common Where are you from (City, State):: Hudson, Michigan Where did you learn of this site?: You e-mailed and asked me to visit it. | Comments: I enjoyed the page. I also liked the added pics. Your memorial site was very well done. |
Colleen Chapman - 08/23/97 23:47:42 My URL:http://w3.nai.net/~cicat My Email:cicat@ct1.nai.net Do you own any pets?: Yes What kind of pets do you own?: 2 Birmans and 2 Ragdolls Where are you from (City, State):: Connecticut Where did you learn of this site?: Word of Mouth......actually two little kitties told me. :) | Comments: Wonderful! Wonderful! You've done a great job Clay...I'm sure Timone and Simba are SO proud of their Purrawr. :) We've got you bookmarked so we can come back again. As always, we've really enjoyed visiting with you and the kitties. |
Frasier - 08/23/97 22:19:59 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/6012 My Email:frasiernfran@geocities.com Do you own any pets?: Yes What kind of pets do you own?: Fran, she's human What is your favorite Pet Site?: Mine!! Where are you from (City, State):: CA Where did you learn of this site?: Purrawr | Comments: Very nice addition! Enjoyed the visit but the green words were a little hard to read on my monitor, and the yellow words I couldn't see at all! Maybe I need glasses, I'll have to talk to Fran about that. Nice memorial pages, too. I'll talk to Fran about that as well. Tuxie's her Rainbow Angel with her own memorial, but you probably saw that, huh? Well, I think she should send you her picture. Purrs Perrawr |
Sherry - 08/23/97 17:20:47 My URL:http://www.punkin.net My Email:sherry@punkin.net Do you own any pets?: Yes, presently five cats... working on number six! What kind of pets do you own?: cats What is your favorite Pet Site?: There are so many... you are definitely among the faves! Where are you from (City, State):: Wyckoff, New Jersey Where did you learn of this site?: word of mouth | Comments: Wow... another great site!!! Had a terrific time browsing through all the pics here... love your cute new awards too! We'd be pleased to give you Punkin's Award for this site of yours as well, if you'd like to add it! Terrific job! Will be back for mo e visits! *purrs*
~*~MYSTIC~*~ - 08/23/97 08:22:09 My URL:http://www.evansville.net/~mystic My Email:mystic@evansville.net Do you own any pets?: Three What kind of pets do you own?: Rottweiler (dog), Siamese and black/gray tabby (cats) What is your favorite Pet Site?: Amadeus, Beni & Tigger's Page Favorite Pet Site URL(if you know it):: http://www.evansville.net/~mystic/pets.htm Where are you from (City, State):: 3rd Rock From the Sun Where did you learn of this site?: email | Comments: Hi Purrawr! Beni, Tigger, and I have enjoyed viewing the new pics and your memorial pages. Thanks for inviting us. :) ~Brenda ~*~Please visit MYSTIC'S CYBERPAGE~*~ ~*~Win Mystic's COOL Site Award!!!~*~ |
Lori - 08/23/97 05:57:53 My URL:http://homepage.dave-world.net/~xpertree/lorihome.html My Email:2burnt4u@dave-world.net Do you own any pets?: yes What kind of pets do you own?: 2 Dogs 1 Cat What is your favorite Pet Site?: Any Cat Site Where are you from (City, State):: IL Where did you learn of this site?: Word of Mouth | Comments: You have a great new site here I will be back for another visit. Please visit me at my Homepage, Thank-You! All The Backgrounds & Desktop Wallpaper are free |
Cheryl - 08/22/97 21:02:27 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/8292 My Email:Jachymek@myna.com Do you own any pets?: one What kind of pets do you own?: a cat What is your favorite Pet Site?: I like all pet sites Where are you from (City, State):: Oakville, Ontario Where did you learn of this site?: From you | Comments: Great page, me and my Steve really love it. Keep up the good work |