In da words of Clydes Hoomin unit Chu:
Here is the card: Save it as filename: cyldebp.jpg and link to url:
"The measure of a cat is not how much he loves, but how much he is loved
by others. Clyde Big Paws was greatly loved. We miss him."
The mewsic: "Lullabye Clyde" is one of Clyde Big Paws Midi renditions.
We learned of Clydes love of Flowers and have updated hiz Memorial to put him in a
Very Beautiful Flower Garden of Roses.
The animations of the Rose slowly opening is
very significant of Cyde Big Paws spirit continually shining from the other side of Rainbow Bridge.
We have also designed a card (See the card near the bottom of this page) to keep Clydes Memory Alive on the Net.
We ask that you Save this card and
upload it to your server and place a link back to Clydes Memorial on this site using the following url:
The card displayed here is linked to ClydeSite 2.0.
But remember to link it to the above URL (displayed in Green above) from your site.
And here are da wordz dat our hoomin and us haf tew say about our friend Clyde:
Clyde passed away furry recently, Clyde waz a member of CLAW and
a very Talented Mewsishun, he made many a kitty happy wif hiz mewsical prowess and all
da kittiez I know iz going tew miss Clyde furry, furry much. Clyde had just recently
given a purrformance at the CLAW theatre of "Clyde Big Paws Midi Tunes" and me and
Simba went to hear Clyde play. It waz so beautiful, we laughed, we cried and we even
got down and paw stomped tew some of Clyde Big Paws paw stompin' tunez.
At da end of da concert efury kitty in da theatre gave Clyde a standing mewvashun!!!
Timone, Simba and our hoomin as well as da hoomin Clyde owned called Chu will all miss
Clyde and his antics, espeshurly dat paw stompin' feel-good mewsic Clyde waz so famously
known fur. Clyde, we all miss and love yew and know yewr furry happy at Rainbow Bridge.
Would you like to visit Clydes' Website? It is very interesting and lots of fun! Just click on
the link below to go to Clydesite 2.0! A great place for Kitties!
Yes, Take me to Clydesite 2.0!
Or visit Clydes Purrformance and more of hiz Mewsics at the CLAW theatre at this location:
Yes, Take me to Clydes Concert at CLAW!
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Then send your kitten/cat photo in an e-mail attachment along with
your tribute and I'll add them to these Memorial Pages.