Specializing in....
Tabbies and Bicolors with Occasional Smokes
owned by Lynne Kelly
located in Nottingham, Maryland
(Note: This is a Northeastern suburb of Baltimore
Near Whitemarsh)
phone # 410 256-8796
"Until one has loved an animal,
a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
Anatole France
"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of compassion and pity,
you will have men who deal likewise
with their fellow men."
St. Francis of Assisi

History of Dreamsicles' Cattery
(My Little Angels)
I have been showing persians
in the CFA and ACFA premier (alter/spay) classes
for almost fifteen years. Most recently in CFA exclusively.
A friend of mine got me
interested in breeding, in mid 1995, when she gave me a beautiful
tortoiseshell persian and encouraged me to breed her to
my black and white male before I had him neutered.
I decided to breed the tortie and see if what my friend
said was true.... "there was nothing like holding a
newborn kitten and breeding your own babies".
She was right!
Since that day, I have difficulty parting
with all of my beautiful, healthy babies!
I am a small cattery taking great
pride and care of my cats. They are treated as members of my
family and are raised in a loving environment...with minimal caging.
We are a PKD DNA Tested Negative Cattery!!!
In the summer of 1997, I purchased a female silver
mackeral tabby persian and a male brown mackeral
tabby persian (in December 1997) from Aladar Cattery
and plan to breed for tabbies and solids.
(Visit Aladar Cattery by clicking
on "Other Cattery Links" below).
I am combining their pedigrees
with Aladar, Marhei, Midas, Aftabi and
Palmetto lines to continue to produce a soft sweet look.
These lines are my foundation.
Cats of Dreamsicles
(Our Family Album)

Dreamsicles Show Schedule
Come and visit us at one of the shows!!!
Email me for directions!!!

Dreamsicles Show Pictures

Grand Gallery

The Nursery/Kittens Available
August Babies are here from Gigi!br> Pictures Soon!!
If you are interested in adopting one of my kittens,
or interested in one of my retired spayed/neutered show cats
all first time prospective Dreamsicles kitten
owners are required to complete
my information sheet.
Please click on the highlighted words below!
Thank You!!
I now accept PAYPAL!! ( Just sign up and use your Visa or Mastercard )
Easier than ever
to send a deposit on a kitten!!!
Just Click the link below:
The safer, easier way to pay.
For your convenience and security, you may make a payment by using Pay Pal.
Click the Pay Pal icon above. Our pay pal account is : showcats@hotmail.com
When using a bank account for "instant transfer", or a debit or credit card,
there is a service fee of 3% of the transfer amount.
Please include this 3% in addition to your payment.
When using your bank account to pay via "e-Check",
which takes 3-4 business days to clear, the service fee is only $5.00.
Remember to select your kitten carefully, as deposits are not refundable.
If you are thinking about showing
and/or need some fancy cage curtain sets, bibs, beds or pads
Check this out:

Other Cattery Links

Grooming Techniques

General Health
This section includes information about PKD

Past and Present Dreamsicles Kittens
This section includes photos
of some of the Dreamsicles babies
that the owners have sent to me...

This page is dedicated to
Dreamsicles' Holiday Kisses
who started this all. He was in the first litter
to be born to my cattery name. December 17, 1995 - January 23, 2007
I will miss you Kiss Man!!

You may email me at my work address:

You may email me at my home:

If you are not able to email me, please call me(410) 256-8796
"Faeries are not seen by the eyes
but through the heart."
Brian Froud
Please come back soon and visit me.
This website was last updated -
October 1, 2009!
This site is designed by me
and please do not link directly to any graphics on this page. This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer!
If you wish to link to this site, please do and use my banner below.
You may right click and copy it....

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FastCounter by bCentral
Since October 28, 1997! (date this page established)

Site Award

Site Award

Thanks to Catstuff for such a variety of creativity!!

The Smoke
Persian Site Ring
This site owned by
Lynne Kelly |
by Bravenet.com