Greetings friends and family! 

Jackson and I are thrilled about this opportunity to share a little bit of our lives on these pages.  We hope that you enjoy the photos (we will make an honest effort to keep them updated).  Please feel free to drop us an e-mail if you can. 



On Life:
What profit is gained by spending any amount of time in fear, despair, bitterness or anger?  I believe that the answer is none.  I don't pretend to suggest that suppressing these natural feelings is easy.  Rather, I know all too well just how difficult it is to look at the "Sunny Side of Life".  But that doesn't sway me from making the most of any given situation.

On Relationships:
Understanding, compassion and constant communication are the key.  It is crucially important to realize that different people have different needs and different ways of expressing themselves.  If you never talk openly and honestly about it, you leave too much to chance.

Show interest in each other.  Don't forget to smile and say "You look great today".  It usually takes only a small amount of effort to make a significant impact on someone you care about. 

Be respectful.  Don't judge.  Act with kindness.  Keep your promises.  Learn to laugh.

On Children:
Amazing.  Simply amazing.  Jackson is, and always will be, my precious little angel from heaven.  The joy of fatherhood is indescribable.

On the Army:
The greatest organization I've ever had the privilege of being a part of.  As an M1-A1 tank platoon leader I had the rare opportunity to serve my country, lead men in mock battle, and have more fun (and more stress) than I will likely ever encounter again. 

Oh, it also paid for college, taught me the true meaning of honor and integrity, and gave me the thrill of firing a projectile through a 120 mm cannon attached to a 65 ton rolling behemoth.

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