11/14/99 12:13:23
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen
Serene - 09/27/99 06:46:28
My Email:serine_81@yahoo.com
Hi!Greetings from Singapore!
This is Serene here,also from The Girl's Brigade.
It is a great web site,pretty interesting at the same time to know more about the company.
Raise a banner for the Lord and be blessed!
Pamela - 09/16/99 21:36:23
I'm from 1st Newarthill Girls' Brigade in Motherwell and I would just like to say a big Hi to everyone!
(Oh and your web site is prety cool too.)
Rach - 09/03/99 10:31:14
Hi I go to Girl's Brigade in Australia. I'm a pioneer, which by my calculations means I would be a brigader in the UK. Your website is pretty cool...is the nice background colour intentionally the same colour as the GB uniform? Actually, you mightn't e
en have the same uniform in UK I guess. Anyways....see ya later
Kellie MacLeod - 08/18/99 12:57:51
My Email:RDMMacleod@tinyonline.co.uk
Great to see a Girls' Brigade on-line. Keep up the good work. Yours in Christ,
the 28th Aberdeen Company
Brenda Esdohr - 05/26/99 11:44:10
My Email:mbesdohr@netins.net
Praise God for your work!! I enjoyed your web page and will add you to my prayer list. my church can be found at www.speaktheword.com It's a wonderful church.
Music is such a wonderful part of worship!!
Andrew Liu - 05/10/99 10:29:44
My URL:http://www.bb19.cjb.net
My Email:shoot@pacific.net.sg
Good work. know more 'bout how your coy works. I'm from The Boys' Brigade 19th Singapore Company. Do visit our cyberhome.
Julie Dorrian - 03/30/99 21:36:07
My Email:julie.dorrian@virgin.net
Hi there, from all at 7th Greenock. I'm sure that, like us, you are getting ready for display time. Good luck! We are looking forward to setting up a website in the near future.
Glad we found you!
Captain Stirling - 11/16/98 23:18:06
My Email:Istir1@aol.com
Glad to find you we are the 6th Cumbernauld Girls Brigade from St. Mungo`s Church
Daniel Khoo - 11/08/98 15:48:37
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/firstpg
My Email:firstpg@iname.com
Impressive, Keep it up !
I have just finished twelve years with 1st Bishopton Girls Brigade and since I now live in Dundee was unable to stay for my final year and get my brigaders brooch.I love your web site who knows maybe it will encourage more girls to join and boost the numb
rs in Scotland.If you or any other local GB or BB companies ever need helpers just send an e-mail and I would be pleased to lend a hand.Love Kirsty
10/04/98 14:00:19
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Jacqueline Jones - 07/24/98 13:19:07
My Email:csod@swannet.com.au
Hi there,
came across your page throught he singapore Boys Brigade!!!
I used to belong to the 13th Dundee GB, St. Matthews, although I am not sure if they exist anymore as I know them amalgamated with Wallacetown!!..
Jean Coleman and Margaret Coutts were there Captains, I also know Elizabeth Nicholls!!! who represented GB all over the world. I am now in Australia.
Nice to see your page
Mo - 07/13/98 09:40:16
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/1608/
My Email:auntiemo@hotmail.com
Hi... you were on the Heartland birthday list...thought I would stop by and say....
Congrats ! I must say that this IS a GREAT page.
keep up the good work. We shall add you to our company links.
FYI, I'm from the 1st Penang Company BB, the first company in malaysia.KiT.
Andrew Yu - 01/22/98 15:47:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/6135
My Email:hip.enuff@cyberjunkie.com
Hi! I'm from BB 2nd Sinagpore Company. Great homepage you have here. Keep up the good work!
Come visit our homepage too( address attached)!
Wilfred Lim - 01/03/98 10:26:05
My URL:http://chsscout.home.ml.org
My Email:weiming@scout.net
![]() Catholic High Scouts since 1948 |
Hello nice page here. The graphics is nice and lovely. I am not a BB but a boy scout but hey our founders were good friends and so should we be!!! Regards!!!! Brigaders |
![]() |
Hi Vina
Looks like everyone is moving in here welcome to the fold. we are still waiting for our password to get our page up and running hopefully that won't be long now
All our Love
Dougie & Kate
Pete Harris - 09/16/97 14:42:29
Great to see we are on the net raising the Standard. Keep up the good work. Send my love to all the Staff and Girls. Have a great winter programme and I hope I will see you all in January or sooner who knows.
Be kind to your Captain she needs all the help she can get even though she say's she is fine.
I know she is fine ?
God Bless love from Pete in Ireland
72 Clonshaugh Road
Dublin 17
00353 1 8479088
Iain Carver - 09/11/97 00:04:32
My Email:iain.carver@bigfoot.com
Welcome to the www.