Mark Jones - 12/12/00 02:28:13
My Email:markj34@hotmail.com
Occupation: Education
Spouse/Significant Other: Julie Haggerty Jones
Children: Carter Patrick
What city/state do you live in?: Hingham, MA


Cathy Zolnierczyk - 06/15/00 23:02:42
My Email:auntiezolny@aol.com
Occupation: retired
Spouse/Significant Other: Joe( the poor guy !)
Children: 3 dogs 2 cats 2 feretts 1 bird and 4 horses who has time for kids !
What city/state do you live in?: Peabody
How did you find us?: Bob Ouimette told me about this wonderful site
What's your favorite cereal?: apple jacks

Love the site ! Great job ! What ever happened to Rachel Goldstein ??????

- 05/15/00 04:50:41


Shannon Solovicos Luis - 03/02/00 13:54:10
Occupation: Intellectual Property Coordinator
Spouse/Significant Other: Joe Luis (PVMHS Class of '85)
Children: Not for a while, I'm having too much fun enjoying my life!
What city/state do you live in?: Danvers
How did you find us?: Surfing (I am online for my job 24/7!)
What's your favorite cereal?: Wheaties


ROB HYNES - 11/21/99 03:09:22
My Email:KR91194
Spouse/Significant Other: KIM
Children: woking on it
What city/state do you live in?: PEABODY


11/14/99 12:13:22
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

Dave Carlson - 09/28/99 18:35:30
My Email:david_carlson@oxfordcorp.com
Occupation: tech recruiter
Spouse/Significant Other: Laura (Lane)Carlson
Children: Noah Alexander
What city/state do you live in?: Peabody

Just updating the info. Laura and I had a baby boy "Noah Alexander" born 9-10-99.

Randi (Walvick) LaMadeleine - 03/28/99 17:14:42
My Email:randi1@ultranet.com
Occupation: Senior Research Techinician
Spouse/Significant Other: Paul
Children: Callie- our border collie, and Ty-ty our cat
What city/state do you live in?: N. Chelmsford, MA
How did you find us?: e-mail
What's your favorite cereal?: lately; Raisin Bran

Hi everyone! Sorry I missed you at the reunion. I hope to see everyone at the 15th!

Eric Sanders - 12/30/98 02:53:41
My Email:sanders.eric@worldnet.att.com
Occupation: Technical Supervisor, Kodak
Spouse/Significant Other: Elisa M Sanders
Children: John Bertram Sanders II, and one soon to be announced
What city/state do you live in?: Bradford, MA
How did you find us?: just looking around
What's your favorite cereal?: can i pick more than one?


Grant Fotheringham - 12/06/98 03:59:15
My Email:gcf09@yahoo.com
Occupation: United States Marine Corps
Spouse/Significant Other: Jacqueline
Children: Ashley and Ian
What city/state do you live in?: Sierra Vista, AZ
How did you find us?: Surfed


10/04/98 14:00:16
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Gina Hagen - 08/17/98 17:20:05
My Email:regina.hagen@awl.com
Occupation: Painter/Book Designer
What city/state do you live in?: Peabody, MA
How did you find us?: letter
What's your favorite cereal?: corn pops

My watercolors are on exhibit at Bodin Historic Photo and Fine Art Gallery on Main Street in Gloucester. I sit in the gallery on Sundays...if you are in the area stop by and say "hello"!

Grant Fotheringham - 08/07/98 04:07:52
My Email:fotheringhamg@usa.net
Occupation: United States Marine Corps
Spouse/Significant Other: Jacqueline
Children: Ashley and Ian
What city/state do you live in?: Sierra Vista, Arizona

Good site

dave carlson - 07/31/98 01:03:57
My Email:zonatwins@aol.com

work email is david_carlson@oxfordcorp.com

Bob Irzyk - 07/29/98 22:21:55
My Email:bob_irzyk@nai.com
Occupation: Territory Sales Manager
Spouse/Significant Other: None
Children: None
What city/state do you live in?: Newton


Jodi Harris Girard - 07/16/98 02:22:45
My Email:jharris@together.net
Occupation: Quality Manager, Cabot Creamery
Spouse/Significant Other: David
Children: Not yet...
What city/state do you live in?: Bridport, Vermont
How did you find us?: Visiting the website
What's your favorite cereal?: GRAPENUTS!!!!!!

Great site! It's great to have a resource to find alumni and to find out how everyone is doing.

Sidney Ferreira - 05/02/98 23:17:03
My Email:CartoonSid@aol.com
Occupation: Animator
Spouse/Significant Other: My beautiful wife, Julietta Ferreira
Children: Coming soon!
What city/state do you live in?: La Crescenta, California
How did you find us?: I was contacted by Jeff Willens...the finest guitarist from the Class of '87
What's your favorite cereal?: Cheerios

I wish everyone great success in their endeavors. Thanks to Julie Albanese for putting this together for our class. Oh, anyone know how I could get a new copy of the Yearbook? Best Wishes to all! -Sid Ferreira

Michael Lawless - 01/11/98 04:53:30
My Email:MFLawless2
Occupation: Mechanic
Spouse/Significant Other: Melissa Tentindo-Lawless
Children: None
What city/state do you live in?: Groveland, MA
How did you find us?: Mailing
What's your favorite cereal?: Fruit Loops


David Carlson - 12/19/97 20:02:40
My Email:david_carlson@oxfordcorp.com
Occupation: technical recruiter
Spouse/Significant Other: Laura
Children: working on it
What city/state do you live in?: Peabody
How did you find us?: reunion letter
What's your favorite cereal?: oatmeal


Lisa Grant Reed - 11/12/97 01:13:49
My Email:WReed64145@aol.com
Occupation: Legal Secretary/Assistant
Spouse/Significant Other: Walter
Children: Not yet
What city/state do you live in?: Rockland, MA
How did you find us?: Reunion Letter


Angelo N. Spaneas - 11/12/97 00:04:09
My Email:aspaneas@aol.com
Occupation: CPA/Controller
What city/state do you live in?: Peabody
How did you find us?: Reunion Announcement


John Bradley - 11/05/97 20:22:53
My Email:jbradley@ybp.com
Occupation: programmer
Spouse/Significant Other: Cindy Hiltz
Children: none
What city/state do you live in?: Peabody, MA
How did you find us?: reunion letter
What's your favorite cereal?: Cocoa Pebbles


Grant Fotheringham - 10/27/97 04:24:05
My Email:fotheringhamg@usa.net
Occupation: US Marine
Spouse/Significant Other: Jacqueline
Children: Ashley 4 in Dec and Ian 3 months
What city/state do you live in?: Oceanside CA
How did you find us?: Surfin
What's your favorite cereal?: Don't eat breakfast

Don't think I can make the reunion. I'm in Okinawa Japan until Feb 98.

Tracy Teague - 10/24/97 23:44:21
My Email:tteague416@aol.com
Occupation: Oncology Nurse
Spouse/Significant Other: Wallace "Mannie" Bell
Children: none
What city/state do you live in?: Peabody, MA
How did you find us?: Reunion mailing
What's your favorite cereal?: Cocoa Puffs

See everyone at the reunion!

Lisa Monahan Cerretani - 10/21/97 20:03:13
My Email:lmcerretani@statestreet.com
Occupation: Mutual Fund Auditor
Spouse/Significant Other: Gerry
Children: Allison
What city/state do you live in?: Lynn, Lynn the city of sin
How did you find us?: Reunion Mailing
What's your favorite cereal?: Corn Pops

I'm really looking forward to seeing you all! Its been such a long time (Boston)!!!! So much has changed-but old friendships remain the same. HEY YANA...if your around, look me up!!!

Susan L'Italien Lospennato - 10/10/97 00:55:14
My Email:bethstev@tiac.net
Occupation: EMT & Household Engineer
Spouse/Significant Other: Frank Lospennato
Children: Brooke 7, Jake 3, Brian 11mos.
What city/state do you live in?: Newton, NH
How did you find us?: Reunion letter
What's your favorite cereal?: I don't have time to eat cereal. I have three kids!!!

Looking forward to a great 10 year reunion!

Ellie Moakley Hickey - 10/08/97 10:28:10
My Email:mjhickey@star.net
Occupation: English teacher
Spouse/Significant Other: Mark Hickey
Children: none (for a while, hopefully!)
What city/state do you live in?: MA
How did you find us?: from Julie
What's your favorite cereal?: Captain Crunch

Now living in Havard Square with our cat, Death. Alums, please let me know if you'll be in town. I'd be happy to show you around Cambridge.

Bob Feiner - 10/05/97 22:08:47
My Email:bfeiner@poboxes.com
Occupation: Sr. Management Consultant/Ernst & Young, LLP
Spouse/Significant Other: Any suggestions?
Children: None that I know of
What city/state do you live in?: Dallas, TX
How did you find us?: Newsletter
What's your favorite cereal?: Crazy for Cocoa Puffs


Antoinette Thomas - 10/03/97 19:17:48
My Email:athomas@bigyellow.com
Occupation: publishing
Children: Monique, Unique,(twins). John, Justin Jason(triplets)
What city/state do you live in?: Peabody
How did you find us?: followed my nose
What's your favorite cereal?: froot loops

Only a joke about the kids. Just one beautiful baby boy!!!!

Kirsten Bell - 10/01/97 16:52:42
My Email:kbell@sec.state.ma.us
Occupation: Software Development Business Analyst
Spouse/Significant Other: Michael (fiance)
Children: None
What city/state do you live in?: Medford, MA
How did you find us?: reunion letter/internet search
What's your favorite cereal?: Special K - Why???


Debbie Phillips (Zellin) - 09/30/97 12:34:56
My Email:dmphilli@advo.com
Spouse/Significant Other: Joseph
What city/state do you live in?: Ludlow, Ma
How did you find us?: Reunion info

It would be great to hear from everyone!!

Mark Jones - 09/23/97 18:04:30
My Email:g2326mjone@umbsky.cc.umb.edu
Occupation: Student
Spouse/Significant Other: Julie
What city/state do you live in?: Peabody
How did you find us?: Julie
What's your favorite cereal?: corn flakes


Lisa (Theriault) Leahy - 09/21/97 21:15:49
My Email:Leahy@tiac.net
Occupation: Cost Accountant Cyrk, Gloucester, MA
Spouse/Significant Other: Dean
Children: none yet -- just a dog!
What city/state do you live in?: Rockport, MA
How did you find us?: just surfing the net...
What's your favorite cereal?: I don't eat cereal

I won't be able to attend the reunion. Hope all of you that do have a wonderful time!

Kerry A. Halley - 09/19/97 04:03:52
My Email:KNG wnnabe@aol.com
Occupation: writer/teacher
Spouse/Significant Other: Adam
Children: not yet
What city/state do you live in?: Peabody, MA
How did you find us?: Public Cable channel
What's your favorite cereal?: Honey Nut Cheerios

It's been a long time. Sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to the reunion, but I've got two tickets to Ireland, and the hubby and I are going!!!

Sharon Keegan Gaudreau - 09/17/97 15:37:34
My Email:dsagaudreau@worldnet.att.net
Occupation: CEO of Household..Hahaha
Spouse/Significant Other: Don
Children: Adam (and one due in March 1, 1998)
What city/state do you live in?: Papillion, NE
How did you find us?: Julie's mailings
What's your favorite cereal?: Rice Krispies

10 years! Where did the time go? Hope ya'll have fun at the 10 year! Looking forward to seeing you all at the next one!

Steven D. O'Hara - 09/16/97 14:49:35
My Email:SUPERWT@aol.com
Occupation: Peabody Police D.
What city/state do you live in?: PEA. MA
How did you find us?: Reunion Paper
What's your favorite cereal?: SPECIAL K

I'its about time somebody took the initiative to do what your doing. After we did not have a five year reunion I was pretty &%$#@$#. Thanks for all your doing to keep our class a little closer. If you need anything done in Peabody, I have alot of access through the P.P.D. Once again, THANKS!!!!! Your Doing A Great Job!!!!!! Steven D. O'Hara CLASS OF "87" and DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!

Renee Jacobson (Freeman) - 09/12/97 20:59:47
My Email:FNRAUTO@aol.com
Occupation: inventory manager
Spouse/Significant Other: Scott Jacobson
Children: none
What city/state do you live in?: Bradford,MA
How did you find us?: Reunioning mailing
What's your favorite cereal?: Fruity Pebbles

See You at the Reunion!

Beth Soutter - 09/10/97 03:00:09
My Email:atinag@gis.net
Occupation: Real Estate Developer
Spouse/Significant Other: Mark Guidetti
Children: Haley, Nicholas, Atina, Anthony
What city/state do you live in?: Revere, Ma.
How did you find us?: Reunion Mailing
What's your favorite cereal?: Jasbows


Christine "Tina" Moran - 09/10/97 02:45:12
My Email:TMoran5263@aol.com
Occupation: Wildlife Biologist
Spouse/Significant Other: None
Children: none
What city/state do you live in?: Fairbanks, AK
How did you find us?: Reunion letter
What's your favorite cereal?: granola

Check out the animal I've dedicated 6 years of my life studying in Sept/Oct issue of Audubon. Sorry I can't make it to the reunion.

Jeff Willens - 09/03/97 06:08:37
My Email:JeffGTR@aol.com
Occupation: Sound Engineer/PolyGram Studios
Spouse/Significant Other: Robin
Children: Thanks, no
What city/state do you live in?: Edison, NJ
How did you find us?: Reunion letter
What's your favorite cereal?: Anything noisy


Peter T. Bakula - 09/01/97 20:47:16
My Email:Kula2020 @ aol.com
Occupation: Distribution/ freelance author
Spouse/Significant Other: Still searching...
Children: None needed yet....
What city/state do you live in?: Peabody
How did you find us?: Letter
What's your favorite cereal?: Frosted Mini-Wheats

Ten years already!?! Time flies when you're having fun. And even if you're not!

Bill Sperounis - 08/30/97 16:46:51
My Email:bill_sperounis@fa.disney.com
Occupation: Operations assistant/Inventory Controll/WDFA
What city/state do you live in?: Davenport,Fl
How did you find us?: Julie


Tara Kulak Harvey - 08/22/97 16:27:35
My Email:americas@brlhardy.com
Occupation: Accountant for an Australian Wine Importer
Spouse/Significant Other: Jason
Children: None yet
What city/state do you live in?: Falls Church, VA
How did you find us?: Reunion Letter
What's your favorite cereal?: Special K-boring, I know


J Franze - 08/14/97 16:15:28
My URL:http://www.FranzeMusic.com
My Email:JFranze@FranzeMusic.com
Occupation: Producer/Songwriter
What city/state do you live in?: Orlando, FL
How did you find us?: Reunion letter
What's your favorite cereal?: Hot!!!

I was happy to see this site. Please include my info, thank you.

Jason Smith - 08/13/97 16:39:30
My URL:http://www.advistek.com
My Email:jerky@highway1.com
Occupation: nerd
Spouse/Significant Other: Jennifer
Children: HA!
What city/state do you live in?: Arlington
How did you find us?: Julie made me
What's your favorite cereal?: rasin bran

hi see you there

Christine DeMaria - 08/13/97 13:05:19
My Email:demaria@medcor.mcgill.ca
Occupation: research biologist
Spouse/Significant Other: Bill
Children: not yet!
What city/state do you live in?: Montreal, Quebec
How did you find us?: Julie
What's your favorite cereal?: Captain Crunch in a big way

....but Thanksgiving HERE is in October....

Craig Hanson - 08/13/97 02:29:49
My Email:hanson@seacoast.com
Occupation: Passenger Service Supervisor/US Airways
Spouse/Significant Other: Denise
Children: One on the way (sept 26th)
What city/state do you live in?: Amesbury,Ma
How did you find us?: Julie's mailing
What's your favorite cereal?: Frosted Mini Wheats


Patti Williams Bellville - 08/11/97 23:36:20
My Email:cocogirl@aol.com
Occupation: ortho. asst.
Spouse/Significant Other: Paul
Children: one/Karen
What city/state do you live in?: Bradford, Ma
How did you find us?: mail
What's your favorite cereal?: peanut butter crunch

hi all!

Mark Titelbaum - 08/11/97 15:37:42
My Email:mtitelbaum@berklee.edu
Occupation: Human Resources Programs Manager/Berklee College of Music
Spouse/Significant Other: Nancy
Children: None, but I have three nephews. Does that count?
What city/state do you live in?: Brighton, MA
How did you find us?: Julie sent me
What's your favorite cereal?: The stuff my mother wouldn't let me eat as a kid but told me that I could purchase once I got older!


Barnet S. Cohen - 08/07/97 22:35:49
My Email:bclc33@aol.com
Occupation/Company: Tax Analyst/John Hancock Funds
Spouse/Significant Other Name: Loryn
Children Ages/Names: NONE - thankfully
How did you find us?: Juicy told me about it.
Where do you live (city/state)?: Malden
What's your favorite cereal?: Apple Jacks


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