To the White House
Welcome to the White House's webpage. My honey Bob and I currently live in cow country known as Calcium, NY. We have 3 wonderful boys Bobby 20, Shane 19 and Justin 16. We also added a daughter in law Sarah to our family in Nov. Bob and I were both born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts which is nestled in the beautiful Berkshire hills. I met Bob in the winter of "77" tumbling thru a snowbank. I got to carry his books as well as my brothers so they could play on the way home from Crosby Jr. High. Bob and I both also went to Taconic High School. We started going out together November 27, 1980 and we were married on September 7, 1983. Our oldest son was born on July 22, 1983 in Pittsfield. Yes you do the math we did things a little backwards OH WELL!!!! Our middle son was born on August 24, 1984 in Ft. Benning Georgia. The baby was born on March 17, 1987 in Honolulu Hawaii.
Bob and I out at our favorite club in Alaska. This place was so awesome it was like Cheers everyone knew our name.
This is a picture from our oldest sons wedding. From the left is our youngest Justin, our middle son Shane, our oldest son Bobby and my honey Bob.
Here is a pic of Bob helping our daughter in law Sarah poof her wedding dress. She was a beautiful bride!!!! Our son found himself a keeper!!If you see my smiley shining below give me a yell!

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