My Transplant
My Story

Welcome to Dale France Leeb's web site!

Dale France Leeb

My name is Dale and I was born and raised in Round Lake, ILL. I moved to Arizona in 1978 and settled in Apache Junction in 1982. I am a medically retired heavy equipment operator for the City of Mesa, AZ. I now spend my time putting my thoughts into rhyme and some call me a poet. I also like to grow things, which is not always an easy task in Arizona! After battles with rabbits, ground squirrels, birds and one rattlesnake, I ended up with a 15x10 concrete footing with an 8’frame covered in chicken wire. We have tomatoes and bell peppers year round; in addition, whatever else we can fit in the raised beds, so some folks call me a gardener. When I first moved here a friend told me you can grow anything in Arizona as long as you have the water, we have our water delivered in a water truck at about $2.00 per 100 gallons so gardening is a very costly hobby. Thanks to my long time friends Randy and Ed, we now enjoy running water. Now I can start my own rain forest.

I am also the maker of custom candles, a craft that my wife learned from a friend in College and I started doing to help out during the ILL. winter construction layoffs. I have been making candles in my spare time for 20 years now and I get a little better at it every year, but, again, Arizona summers make it near impossible to work with wax for four or five months of the year. One night the Internet jumped out and grabbed me, and new
friends, interests, and old friends with research needs help me through the nights.

I have saved the best for last!

My wife Judy and I have been together for 23 years. Six years to make sure it would work, and 17 years married. We have two lovely daughters, Molly is 16, and Bridget is 13. They were both born in February and our Anniversary is Valentines Day, so it is a
busy month for us but a fun 1.

I started this page hoping to show people the importance of being an Organ Donor. I started to put together facts and figures and found it was taking up a lot of valuable time, then I found a wonderful web site put together by Lori Noyes; I could never have done as good a job and I was given permission to link to her site. Thank You Lori!

I also have a link to “Ask Dr.Weil” He is a M.D. and a homeopathic doctor, a rare find in today’s medicine. There you will find answers to many of your health questions and try
the database to search for subjects not covered in the archives. I also have my favorite music trivia link, give it a try unless you are afraid you will show your age! I will also be adding a lot of information about Arizona as permission is granted to use pictures and stories of interest. There are also links to friends I’ve met on the Internet, check them out too! Last, but I hope not least, there is some of my poetry just so you can see where my head is at. Thank you for your visit and come back again soon! This page will always be under construction, and you never know what you will find next.


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Dale France Leeb
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