Let me design and create a web site for you or tidy up and enhance an existing site:)
I specialize in family and pet oriented sites.

A basic 4 page website includes:

  1. Up to 10 of your photos scanned and edited to maximize your site's potential.
  2. One custom created logo
  3. 1 animated banner (plus the html code to paste into your friends guestbooks!)
  4. 1 basic banner (most banner exchanges limit the file size of submitted banners)
  5. Custom created background and buttons or you may choose from the free web set graphics featured at this site.
  6. Up to four pages - detailing your chosen topics or hobbies. Web Rings, awards and links pages are slightly more depending on the number of items needed per page.
  7. One music/midi file per page.
  8. Blinking text, tables, lists, counters, guestbook and Java applets like Lake, Snow and Rainbow text to enhance your site.

Or... if you are creating your own site and just need some graphics designed, I can create banners, animations, logos, backgrounds, buttons, button bars for mouse-over navigation and much more. Please email me for details and prices. Zanara Designs

Animated Backgrounds Textured Backgrounds
Shaded/Gradient Buttons
Animated color change buttons
Animated gifs

Free Web Sets
Canine Sets Floral Sets Jewel Sets
Ribbons/Lace Sets
Misc. Theme Sets
blue ribbon
2235tan 6201 Gold Lace
Green Medallion  


Web Rings 1            Web Rings 2

Our Clients

Email Zanara Designs

Copyright © 1997,1998,1999 Zanara Designs