MissionsNet ‚Φ‚ζ‚€‚±‚»I

With about half the population of the earth yet to hear the gospel, the missionary task is far from over. MissionsNet is designed to facilitate the task of missions by providing a place where those who go and those who send can interact freely in order to work towards the completion of this task.

Here you, as a integral part in this plan, will find opportunities to both provide and benefit from resources. If you have never been a 'goer' then this site may be a bit of an eye-opener, and we're sure you'll be amazed at just how easy it is to become involved in God's 'big picture.'

So, come on in and take a look around.


C&R Media


Disaster Relief, Emergency Evacualtion, Missionary Care, Medical Supplies, E’ʐMEι‹³ŽŽ‰‰E’ŠEι‹³ξ•ρ^Resources...
