Our Statement of Faith
We Believe • the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, and it is the only Infallible and Authoritative Word of Truth (not to be added to nor taken from.) Both Old and New Testaments were supernaturally inspired by God, and the Holy Spirit illuminates and reveals the Word of God to those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives.
We Believe • there is only One True God, Eternally Existent in Three Persons: God, the Father - God, the Son - and God, the Holy Spirit.
We Believe • in the miraculous virgin birth of Jesus Christ, and in His Sinless and Perfect life.
We Believe • in the miracles of Jesus Christ, including His Personal Ministry on earth, as well as His Ministry through the lives of His apostles, disciples and those who were “followers” of Him. We also believe in His Ministry today -- to and through all believers who trust in and call on His Name, and who believe in and rely upon His Word -- these are His “followers” of today. He was, is, and always shall be a God of Miracles, for Hebrews 13:8 tells us: “Jesus Christ (is) the same yesterday, today and forever”.
We Believe • that without faith it is impossible to please God, and that Salvation may only be obtained through faith in the Finished Work of Jesus Christ. It is only by His shed Blood on Calvary and His bodily resurrection from the grave that He has paid the Price for all mankind.
Furthermore, He ascended to Heaven, where He is seated in authority, at the Right Hand of the Father. The sinner (the lost soul) comes to Jesus Christ and accepts Him by faith, and it is by the Grace of God (unearned, undeserved and unmerited favor) that a sinner is redeemed, forgiven and brought into favor and right-standing with God, being made Righteous by the Blood of Jesus Christ, the Sacrificial Lamb of God.
We Believe • in the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ: He is Infinite and Eternal; He is Almighty, All-holy, All-wise, All-merciful and truly the Lord of lords & King of kings. As Ruler of Heaven and Earth, He is the Righteous Judge of all men and every deed, He is the Creator & Maker of all things, and He is the Redeemer, Sanctifier & the Only Hope for mankind.
We Believe • that it is absolutely essential that lost and sinful humanity be saved (born again), and this is by the power of regeneration of the New Birth, through the Holy Spirit -- “not of works, lest any man should boast” (i.e., not by being a good church member or even by being a kind & moral person--(Ephesians 2:8-9).
As Jesus told Nicodemus -- who was a very faithful, very devout, very moral and a very religious man -- “You must (no exceptions) be born again...” (John 3:3-7). The New Birth (being “born again”) is the only Way to find Salvation in Jesus Christ. There is no other way. Good works, kind deeds, being moral, a good heritage, or even being “raised in the church” (any church) will not suffice...even “perfect” church attendance
is meaningless and vain!
We Believe • in the Supernatural Ministry of the Holy Spirit, Who permanently resides in the hearts & lives of all born-again Christians (those who are saved), enabling them to live a Godly and victorious life. This same Holy Spirit gives Gifts to believers for the edification & instruction of His saints, and for perfecting & strengthening the Body of Christ (we see this explained by Paul in Ephesians 4:11-16).
We also believe that an Essential & Vital Part of the Supernatural Ministry of the Holy Spirit is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the clear evidence of “speaking in other tongues, as the Spirit gives utterance”. This is clearly
shown in Acts 2:4, 10:44-48 & 19:1-7, and is clearly
taught in 1st Corinthians 12:10 & 28, 14:1-5 & 12-19. In other words: Tongues
have not “passed away” or “ceased”, as many so “loudly” proclaim.
We Believe • in the personal return of Jesus Christ to earth in Power and Majesty, accompanied by His saints and a Heavenly Host in clouds of Glory.
We Believe • in the final resurrection of all people -- both the saved and the unsaved (the lost). Those who are saved are saved unto the resurrection of Eternal Life, to live forever in the Presence of God; those that are lost (those never having made a personal profession of faith in Christ, and never having accepted, received and believed on Him as their personal Savior) will have their own resurrection and a Final Judgment (or second death -- Revelation 20:5-6, 11-15; 21:7-8).
Believe me...you do not want to be a part of this Second or Final Judgment, for it is one of eternal separation from the Presence of God. And this Final Judgment is one of torment and suffering, having a real lake of fire and a brutal and very real finality. I realize that this may sound shocking (and unbelievable) to some of you, but Jesus very plainly and openly spoke often of this very thing all throughout the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John).
Questions or comments about what we believe?
Please drop us a line at our email address, here!
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