Are You Looking for Answers? .
Have you ever been Born Again?
If you ever heard the term “born again”, or if anyone has ever asked you when you got “saved”, and you were not very certain how to reply, please read on and follow the link at the bottom of the page.
Also...if you do not know for certain if you’ve ever:
been born again
been saved
accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, or
had your sins forgiven...
Or, if you have struggled with any of these fears or excuses:
I am a good person anyway -- why do I need Jesus?
I am too “bad” to be saved.
There are too many hypocrites in the church.
I’ve tried...I just can’t live the “Christian” kind of life.
I go to church -- isn’t that good enough?
I need to get some things “straightened out” before I get saved.
If you’ve thought about any of these things,
and you really want some answers,
here is an excellent place to visit:
If you like, you may visit our
Alphabetical Index
- OR -
If you need to contact us, or .
you need to ask more questions,
please feel free to e-mail us here!
Thanks for your visit to this page...
“Just As I Am”