Paso Fino Horses

"The Smoothest Riding Horse in the World"

We also keep a couple of Paso Fino horses around. Pasos (as they are called) are a naturally gaited breed of horses that are descendants of the horses the Spaniards brought to the Americas hundreds of years ago. They are the oldest breed of horse in the Americas. They are proud, flashy, refined, and willing to please.

You ask, "What makes this horse so different?" It's all in the gait! The gait is a lateral four beat footfall, providing a constant cadence. The rider should experince no up and down movement of his head and shoulders, and no jolting or bumping from side to side. The gait is natural. It is not uncommon for a newborn foal to be gaiting shortly after birth. The gait may be refined through natural training methods but no artificial training equipment is allowed.

Here are our two mares, the bay is Dicha La Chiquita, the palomino is Krystal Persuasion REO.


