Welcome to
National Horseshoe
Pitchers Association
The NHPA is pleased to bring you an exciting new way to
visit the other sites
dedicated to our great sport.
By joining this webring you become part of a circle of websites,
allowing people on the net
a fast and efficient way to find other horseshoe
related sites and to increase traffic and gain exposure
for all the sites within the ring.
There is a small set of html coding that must be added to each site's
homepage that will direct the visitors around our ring...
Need assistance with
your Charter's website
(((pre-addr email)))
Get html coding by clicking here:GET THE CODE
NHPA Webring submittals will be held in queue, subject to the following minimum requirements before they are included in the webring list.
Listed websites failing to maintain these standards will be returned to queue status pending notification of correction.
1. Each Website must have the specified Webring coding installed on the first page of the website (eliminatng "dead ended links)
2. Each Website must contain a prepondence of information and/or data contributing to the sport of horseshoe pitching.
This should not be construed as a discouragement on 'personal' material by website owners.
3. All horseshoe pitching related information and/or data shall be in compliance with NHPA and Geocities requirements and subject to
NHPA Website editorial content approval. Attention is called, specifically to Geocities restrictions on commercial sales content.
for comments, suggestions or questions about the NHPA Webring
email toRingmaster
return to NHPA Homepage
for comments and suggestions please email Paul Stewart

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