Page updated : 16 th November 1997

GeneaNet is becoming known and respected right round the world.
There are 6 national GeneaNet sites now ... We'd like 106!
GeneaNet is fast becoming a major contributor to international
genealogical research. With well over
2 million individual entries on GeneaNet, and new entries arriving at the
rate of over 1000 a month,
the GeneaNet project is now expanding under its own volition. Submissions
are coming in from all around the globe. Entries are a great deal higher
from those countries with their own GeneaNet web
sites ... proof that national GeneaNet sites are very succesful and are
worth their weight in gold.

Where in the world are you?
National GeneaNet sites now exist in France, Belgium, Holland,
the Far West United States, the United Kingdom
and (for) French Speaking North America. All of them are managed by voluntary
National Coordinators, who work
closely with each other and stay in regular contact. Alongside the managers
of GeneaNet at international level, all
work to promote the GeneaNet project and to encourage others to submit their
information to the main database.

You could manage a GeneaNet site in your country!
We're looking for enthusiastic people to build (with our full
help) new national web sites.
No qualifications are required ... just a belief in the GeneaNet project,
a sunny disposition
and a willingness to devote time to the development of GeneaNet in their
home country.
Naturally you'll have to have an internet connection with web
access (if you didn't have web access then you wouldn't be
reading this now!), but you don't have to purchase web space or use any
of your own. We'll point you in the direction of
free web space for your GeneaNet site, supply you with all the HTML scripts
you need ...we'll even help you design
your site if you wish. Above all else ... you'll be joining a team of friendly
people who'll welcome you with open arms.

GeneaNet U.K. - 14 Tod's Green, Crail, Fife KY10 3UU, Scotland.
Tel : 01333 450234
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© 1997 DeClare Genealogy