Page updated :16 th November 1997
Qualifications definately not required!
GeneaNet U.K. is currently looking for people all over the country
to assist us in
promoting, expanding and developing GeneaNet's objectives in the United
In particular we're looking for Regional and County Coordinators.
All coordinator positions are voluntary (as are all positions
with GeneaNet around the planet). Experienced genealogists (amateur or professional)
are welcome to apply, but knowledge of genealogy or family history is not
All that is required is an enthusiastic and friendly disposition and a belief
in the GeneaNet project.
(the old adage of "you don't have to be mad to work here but ..."
definately applies!).

The main responsibilities of a County Co-Ordinator are ...
1. A willingness to approach individuals, organisations (amateur
professional), libraries, institutions, etc, with a view to encouraging
them to submit an index of their information to GeneaNet.
2. Helping others to submit their information to GeneaNet.
3. Undertaking research to uncover those who manage or
administer information which should be on GeneaNet.
(Co-Ordinators are only asked to help GeneaNet in their free time, no matter
how little that free time is).
If you interested in becoming a County Co-Ordinator, then send
an to the U.K. Coordinator,
giving the Region or County in which you live (or you are interested in
working in).
Your full postal address would also be of great assistance.
You'll receive a quick confirmation reply by email.
We can also guarantee that you'll make plenty of new friends!
GeneaNet U.K. - 14 Tod's Green, Crail, Fife KY10 3UU, Scotland Tel :
01333 450234
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© 1997 DeClare Genealogy