Page updated : 16 th November 1997
Introduction to United Kingdom Genealogical Research
In this and the following pages we've attempted to provide basic
information about the
geneaological resources available to the genealogist in the U.K. These pages
are primarily aimed
at those living abroad who either have British ancestry (and many people
round the world have)
or who are new to research in the U.K. British genealogists will probably
find these information
pages of little use, for they give basic information on the geography of
the British Isles and
other facts and figures which are well known to British citizens. However,
for those who are
strangers to the United Kingdom, we hope this information will prove interesting
and useful.
Structure of the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom consists of four separate nations, each with their own
individual heritage, culture and history.
Indeed it is the individuality of the member nations which makes the United
Kingdom such a unique country.
The four member nations are ...
Northern Ireland
= United Kingdom

The U.K. is an island, but it's surrounded by smaller islands too, the most
well known
being the Shetland Isles, the Orkney Isles, the Western Isles (formerly
the Outer Hebrides),
the Isle of Skye, the Isle of Man, the Isle of Wight, the Isle of Scilly
and the Channel Islands.
Isle of Man
(not to scale)
Folk have emigrated from the United Kingdom for hundreds of years, but especially
during the 16th, 17th
and 18th centuries ... the most popular (or enforced) destinations being
Australia, New Zealand, the U.S.A.,
Canada, India and South Africa. Other prime emigration destinations include
Bermuda, British Honduras,
Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Barbados, India, the Carribbean, Malaysia, the Middle
East and the Far East ... indeed,
wherever trade and commerce has taken the British people. Today, like most
countries in the world, Britain
is made up of Scots, Welsh, English and Irish people mixed together with
a number of ethnic minorities.
The United Kingdom is divided into administrative Counties
& Regions , and it's important when conducting
ancestral research in Britain to be familiar with their geographical locations,
as well as the major towns
and cities.
U.K. Counties and Regions
and London maps
English Major Towns and
Welsh Major Towns and Cities
Major Towns and Cities
Northern Irish Major
Towns and Cities
GeneaNet U.K. 14 Tod's Green, Crail, Fife KY10 3UU Scotland
Tel : 01333 450234
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