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Here's Jamie,standing with two members of his news crew after a hard landing (controlled crash)in a field somewhere in South Africa. It was the first of three attempts to take off. Thank God, they finally made it safely!

JAMES F. BLUE III, Producer, ABC Television, News Desk, London, England, winner of numerous awards including two EMMYS for his Nightline Stories on the Oklahoma Bombing and on The Dole Campaign Trail . James is a Princeton graduate who loves researching good stories to produce. He began his career with ABC during the Gulf War, went to The NBC Today Show with Bryant Gumble, moved to NOWwith Tom Borkaw and Katie Couric, then back to ABC to a Producer's job with Ted Koppel at Nightline . In his work and when at leisure, James has traveled the globe. He was present when troops came ashore in Mogadishu, Africa. Following news stories, he has flown with numerous dignitaries, including VP Al Gore on Air force Two and House Speaker Newt Gingrich . At different times and on different planes, of course. He covered breaking news stories regarding the tragic death and funeral of Princess Diana and the heartbreaking events surrounding Mother Teresa's death and burial in Calcutta, India. Click here for his Special To The ABC News Desk From India

Jamie was recently on assignment in Bahrain covering the latest attempt to bring Saddam to heel. It seems, he may be going back for the same reason very soon.

His hobbies are rollerblade-ing(sp), reading, movies, listening to good music, traveling and eating the best food he can find. Congratulations James on your work!

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